A Healthier Michigan

Health and Wellness

What’s in Your Food? Enriched Flour Tops List of Unhealthy Ingredients

Enriched flour is a processed food. Here's how it can affect blood sugar and which foods are commonly made with it.

Health and Wellness

What Meal Should be the Biggest of the Day?

Breakfast, lunch or dinner, which meal should be the heaviest? If you are trying to lose weight, what you eat and the amount is important, in addition to the timing. Read more about when you should eat your biggest meal.

Home and Family

How Cold is Too Cold for Kids to Play Outside

Although getting the kids outside is important and still an option in the winter, the temperature and wind-chill require caution.

Little girl smiling while she sleds down a snow hill
Health and Wellness

Most Common Causes of Cavities for Children

Nearly half of American children have had a cavity filled or are dealing with an untreated cavity. While brushing and flossing daily along with regular dental exams are the best preventive measures against cavity, it’s also important to understand how cavities form.

Health and Wellness

Are You Sensitive to Certain Noises? There’s a Name for That

The two primary sound sensitivity disorders are misophonia and hyperacusis. Misophonia causes emotional, physical or behavioral responses to triggering noises, while hyperacusis results in pain or discomfort from noises that are not loud but affect the individual as if they are loud or painful sounds.


10 Places to Walk Indoors During Michigan Winters

Michigan gets pretty cold during winter months, but it doesn’t mean you can stop exercising. Check out these 10 places to get your 10,000 steps in indoors.

Health and Wellness

How to Build Endurance on an Exercise Bike

Exercise bikes are handy in cases of inclement weather, in cold winter months or when you simply want to get a good workout in the comfort of your own home or at your gym, watching television or listening to a podcast. But are exercise bikes effective at building up physical fitness and endurance?

Diet and Nutrition

Steel Cut Oats vs. Rolled Oats

Most of the differences between steel cut and rolled oats are more of preference details such as texture, flavor, time to cook and ease of use. You may prefer one over the other or use them interchangeably for different uses or recipes. There are some slight differences between the two and how they affect the body nutritionally.

Health and Wellness

What is Silent Walking?

Silent walking is the idea of a focused, silent walk without listening to music, podcasts, conversation, or other activities often used during runs or walks. The goal of silent walking is to focus your mind and body on the walk, on the world around you, and to use the walk as a meditative experience.


The Needle-Hater’s Guide to Donating Blood

Does your fear of needles keep you from donating blood? Check out these ways to combat your fear and save lives in the process.

Fear of Needles?
Michigan Outdoors

Michigan Bucket List: Ice Climbing in the Upper Peninsula

If you are looking for an exciting outdoor activity and exercise to enjoy in the beautiful Michigan winter wonderland, you may want to look into ice climbing. Each winter, ice climbers both local to the Upper Peninsula and those that travel for the ice picking locations in the UP scale frozen surfaces that form in winter.


Cancer Ribbon Colors and Meanings

Awareness ribbons for different types of cancer are popular in America to show support and solidarity with those dealing with the issue. The cancer ribbons cover a range of colors, each connected to one of the more than 100 types of cancers.

Michigan Outdoors

Michigan Bucket List: Lake Michigan Frozen Lighthouses

If you’re looking for a stunning wintertime spectacle, check out some of the frozen lighthouses on Lake Michigan this winter. Frozen lighthouses typically occur from November through January.

Health and Wellness

Are New Year’s Resolutions Bad?

Are there any benefits to making New Year’s resolutions, or do they set you up for disappointment and failure? Reframe your thinking around resolutions and new habits or lifestyle changes and you’ll likely see better results.

Health and Wellness

Low Impact Winter Sports to Try

Many winter sports, such as skiing and hockey, are high-impact or contact sports that may not appeal to many athletes. Here are some low-impact winter sports and exercises to include in your cold weather exercise plans.

Health and Wellness

How to Clear Distractions While Driving

Each year, thousands of traffic accidents are caused by distracted driving and as recently as 2022, distracted driving caused more than 3,000 deaths. Even so, more than 45% of drivers have admitted to texting or reading their phone while driving, and even more eat, talk on the phone or reach around their car while driving.

Health and Wellness

Creative Ways to Get Exercise in the Colder Months

Whether it’s because of colder weather, schedule changes, travel or holiday celebrations, it can be harder to stay active during the winter. Colder weather especially may leave you wanting to stay curled up and indoors rather than exercising. Here are some creative ideas to still get out and get enough physical exercise during the colder winter months.

Health and Wellness

Tips for an Alcohol-Free Holiday Season

More than half of Americans drink more during the holiday season. For some, this increased alcohol intake results in hangovers or even missed work. For others, it interferes with their health goals and can have negative effects on physical and mental health.

Home and Family

Toy Safety 101: Kid-Friendly Checklist

Are your child's toys safe? Each year, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized due to toy-related injuries.

Boy playing with building Blocks
Health and Wellness

Getting Through the Holidays Without Family

Most people who spend the holidays alone feel more lonely than usual and may struggle to enjoy the festive time of year. Here are some tips on how to get through the holidays alone or without family around.

Food and Recipes

Vegetarians Can Enjoy the Flavors of Thanksgiving Too

Thanksgiving may be a meat-centric celebration, but the seasonal flavors of this fall holiday lend themselves well to healthy, hearty and wholesome vegetarian – and gluten-free dishes. Ditch the tofurkey and plan a menu with comfort at the core.

Food and Nutrition

Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas for the Picky Eater in Your Family

When you have a picky eater in your family, this can cause stress leading up to and during the holiday meal. Here are some ideas and recipes that can help your picky eater join in on the Thanksgiving dinner.

Health and Wellness

Managing Thanksgiving Stress

While Americans report finding joy and excitement around traditional holidays, almost 9 in 10 also say they also experience stress leading up to and during holiday celebrations. While you can’t avoid all sources of stress, planning ahead and setting personal or social boundaries can help to manage or minimize stress.

Food and Nutrition

How to Reduce Sodium in Your Thanksgiving Dinner

The AHA and USDA both recommend a daily sodium intake of less than 2,300 mg, or about one teaspoon of salt, with an ideal limit of 1,500 mg a day for most adults, especially those with high blood pressure. However, many Americans get more than 2,000 mg of sodium in an average Thanksgiving dinner.

Health and Wellness

Health Benefits of Using a Sauna

Saunas are small, cozy rooms that are typically heated via wood or electric to reach a high temperature. The exact temperature depends on the individual sauna, but most will hover around 185 degrees. Saunas are set to a level that has people breaking out in a sweat within a minute or two of entering the room.

Health and Wellness

What to Eat Before a Run

Proper nutrition is a must especially when running or exercising, not only to keep a healthy diet, but also to get additional nutrients needed when exercising regularly. Here are some tips on foods to eat and foods to avoid leading up to and following a run.

Health and Wellness

Risk Factors for Premature Birth

Nearly 1 in 10 women who give birth experience premature or preterm birth, defined as any birth before the 37th week of pregnancy. There are a variety of inherent health factors, environmental factors and lifestyle factors that heighten the risk of premature birth.

Diet and Nutrition

Meal Planning for Kids with Type 1 Diabetes

When choosing meals for kids with type 1 diabetes, aim for a balanced mix of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It’s also important to time meals and snacks in accordance with insulin doses.


MI Bucket List: Native American Historical Sites to Visit in Michigan

Michigan has a long history with Native American communities and traditions. There are 12 federally recognized tribes of Indigenous peoples in Michigan. Many of the state’s natural wonders and historical sites have a history within the Native American cultures predating the state of Michigan.

Health and Wellness

What is Prediabetes?

Pre-diabetes refers to elevated blood sugar levels that aren’t high enough to be Type 2 diabetes. However, pre-diabetes can lead to the development of diabetes without lifestyle changes to lower blood sugar levels.

Health and Wellness

Do Humidifiers Help with Allergies?

Dry air and dust can wreak havoc on allergies, sinuses and skin. Dry air indoors is more common during the winter. Many people use humidifiers to keep their air more humid in the winter months, but do humidifiers help or exacerbate allergies? It depends on the specific allergens and triggers involved.

Health and Wellness

6 Tips to Become a Morning Person

Maybe you feel like you’re dragging your feet or a step behind in the morning, or just wish you were more productive or active when you first get up. Becoming a morning person can be a hard adjustment but can be made much easier by setting yourself up for success by getting good sleep and changing some habits.

Health and Wellness

How Your Gut Health Affects Your Mental Health

The mind-gut connection has been the target of increasing study in recent years. Not only has research shown the connection, but there’s been more awareness by people who battle depression and anxiety that they often have to deal with gastrointestinal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain and stomach upset.

Health and Wellness

Why Do Some People Love Getting Scared?

Even if getting scared isn’t an enjoyable experience for you, you probably know someone who is a thrill-seeker or enjoys frights and scary movies, haunted houses or rollercoasters. What is it about getting scared that is fun or enjoyable for some people?

Things To Do

Michigan Bucket List: Michigan Cider Mills

As summer gives way to fall, it’s time for a visit to a cider mill to enjoy apple picking, apple cider and donuts.

Diet and Nutrition

Vegetarian Meal Prep Ideas

Making vegetarian choices throughout the week is much easier if you’ve been able to meal prep ahead of time. Here are some ideas for flavorful, healthy vegetarian meals and snacks that you can prepare, portion and store to eat later.

Health and Wellness

Benefits of Playing Youth Sports

As of 2020, more than 54% of school-aged children in the United States participated in youth sports. Youth sports are associated with higher levels of physical activity and improved physical and mental health. There are multiple benefits to participation in youth sports.

Diet and Nutrition

High Protein Breakfast Ideas without Meat

While meat does contain high levels of protein, it is also often high in saturated fat and cholesterol. There are many plant-based sources of protein that Americans don’t use at nearly the rate of meat consumption. Learn how to start your day off with a healthy high-protein breakfast without relying on meat.


Beautiful Michigan: Top Picturesque Locations For Fall

Grabbing photos of fall foliage here in Michigan makes for a fantastic October activity. So, where are the best places in the state to capture the perfect fall images?

Lake Superior Chapel Beach in Autumn at Pictured Rocks
Health and Wellness

8 Tools to Manage ADHD

By current estimates, more than 7 million children and more than 8 million adults in the United States have ADHD. Here are 8 tools to better manage ADHD for both adults and children.

Health and Wellness

Digital Decluttering: Tips and Benefits

Decluttering our digital spaces can become almost as necessary as cleaning and decluttering living spaces and may even need to be done more often. Here are some helpful ways to start digital decluttering and some benefits you may see as a result.

Health and Wellness

Easy Ways to Introduce Yoga to Your Kids

Yoga is known for its health benefits, including increased flexibility, increased strength, improved sleep and the ability to help with chronic pain and inflammation. Many of these benefits apply to kids as well. Learn how to introduce yoga to kids with these tips and yoga poses.

Health and Wellness

Is Running Marathons Healthy for Your Heart?

Regular running and exercise are associated with better overall heart health and other health benefits. Americans who follow the American Heart Association guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week have healthier hearts and avoid diseases at higher rates than those who don’t, and those who get 3-5 times that amount of exercise have the best health outcomes.

Health and Wellness

Which Foods Promote Gut Health?

Gut health is connected to all other areas of personal health, including physical and mental health. Maintaining a healthy gut biome is important to support your body and the way it functions. There are foods that promote gut health in the way they are broken down and absorbed in the digestive system.

Health and Wellness

What is Pebbling?

Pebbling refers to the practice of sending or leaving little day-brighteners or “pebbles” for others in your life. It has been described as a love language, an appreciation practice or a ritual form of communication for couples, friends and family. The term comes from the behavior of Gentoo penguins, who will present pebbles to other penguins they are bonding with, to use in nesting.

Health and Wellness

Add More Fiber to Your Diet with These High-Fiber Snack Ideas

The recommended amount of daily fiber is between 25 and 38 grams, but most Americans eat only 10-15 grams daily. A diet high in fiber can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and help you to feel fuller for longer and more energized compared to refined carbohydrates.

Health and Wellness

Balance Exercises for Falls Prevention

The risk of falls and injuries from falls increases as we age due to loss of bone mass, muscle mass and balance. Balance exercises can lower the risk of falling as well as the risk of injuries. Here are some balance exercises that are helpful for balance training and preventing falls and related injuries.

Health and Wellness

How to Support a Family Member in Assisted Living

Having a family member in assisted living can be difficult for everyone involved. People who move into assisted living can struggle with a loss of independence, leaving their home or fears of fewer family visits. Family members of those in assisted living may feel guilt, helplessness and concern.

Health and Wellness

Signs and Risk Factors of Malnutrition

If there is an imbalance between the nutrients your body needs and the nutrients you are able to eat and absorb it can cause malnutrition. Undernutrition is most common condition associated with malnutrition but there can be other causes as well. Malnutrition includes undernutrition as well as overnutrition, or an imbalance of nutrients

Health and Wellness

Practicing Self-Care While Grieving

Taking care of yourself and being mindful of your mental and overall health can be especially difficult when you are grieving. Self-care is important during times of loss, even though it may be difficult. Here are some ideas and tips for taking care of yourself and being mindful of your personal mental health while you grieve.

Diet and Nutrition

Easy Ways to Fit In-Season Fruits and Veggies into Your Diet This Fall

You are probably aware that eating more fruits and veggies is good for your health. When it comes time to prepare a meal, it can be difficult to know the best way to include and serve the proper amount of fresh fruits and vegetables or to break long-standing habits tied to food.

Health and Wellness

5 Creative Ways to Support Someone with Cancer

It can be difficult to know how to respond when a friend or loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Emotional support and encouragement can be helpful to cancer patients, but often, cancer patients have logistical, physical and financial needs that you can help them with. Here are five creative ways to help someone with cancer.

Health and Wellness

Surprising Health Benefits of Labor Day

You may associate Labor Day with barbecues, fun and the end of summer, but Labor Day has long been tied to public health. The origins of Labor Day include movements for better workplace health protections and improved quality of life for workers. Here are some health benefits from Labor Day that may surprise you.

Health and Wellness

Is Activated Charcoal Healthy?

Activated charcoal has been showing up all over in recent years, from toothpaste to hamburger buns to supplements. The substance has a history of medical use as an antitoxin for ingested poisons, but more recently it’s become a social phenomenon for “detoxing.”

Kids and Parenting

Do Babies and Infants Need Sunglasses?

Putting sunglasses on a baby or infant is sure to be cute – but it’s also an important preventive choice to protect the child from sun damage. Learn when kids start to need sunglasses and how to pick out the right set of sunglasses for a baby or infant.

Kids and Parenting

How to Help Kids Prepare for the First Year of Middle School

The first year of middle school is full of new experiences and challenges. Parents and mentors have an important role in helping kids acclimate and succeed in middle school. Learn some approaches and tips for helping kids prepare for middle school.

Mental Health

How to Deal with End-of-Summer Anxiety

You may feel anxiety rising as summer nears its end and autumn and winter get nearer. This end-of-summer anxiety can be tied to a few causes. Learn how to recognize and deal with “August anxiety” or the back-to-school blues.

Home and Family

Benefits of Reading Aloud to Kids

Reading out loud to your kids is a great way to spend time together and has multiple educational and emotional benefits for both kids and adults. Time spent together with books and stories can help kids’ reading and comprehension skills, as well as be a centering and calming practice for everyone involved, especially when reading together is part of a routine.


When and How to Watch Perseid Meteor Showers in Michigan

Every summer, the Perseid meteor showers grace the night skies above Michigan. Learn more about this celestial display and the best places and times to check them out in Michigan.

Health and Wellness

Tips to Unwind from the Workday Without Alcohol

Alcohol is involved in cultural and social norms, including after-work decompression and socialization, but there are many ways to wind down after work and “chill out” that don’t involve alcohol.


5 Things to Do this Summer in Frankfort 

This picturesque lakeshore village sits at the foothills of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.

Park Bench on the Bay
Health and Wellness

Everything You Should Have in Your Beach Bag

Going to the beach is not only fun, but a great way to spend time outside and connect to the natural sights and sounds of an inland lake or one of the Great Lakes. The best way to make sure your beach day is a success is to be prepared. We’ve compiled a list of must-haves to include in your beach bag.


Best Hiking Trails in Northern Michigan

From Traverse City to Alpena and points in between, the northern half of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula is home to wonderful vacation destinations and plenty of natural beauty to explore. If you’re planning to be in the area, make a point to spend a day on foot, checking out some of the best hiking trails in Michigan.


Hiking in Mid-Michigan: Where to Go

Do you think you have to go “up north” to get an authentic Michigan hiking experience? You will be surprised by the diversity of sites to explore in mid-Michigan. Whether you are looking for a riverfront experience, big rocks or an urban adventure, there is plenty to discover in the middle of the Mitten state.

Health and Wellness

The Science Behind the Perfect Workout Playlist

If you listen to music when you work out, you've got to read this post to design the perfect playlist to pump you up.


Michigan Bucket List: Sunflower Festivals   

Check out some of the Michigan farms that are hosting sunflower festivals this summer and fall.

Michigan Outdoors

Take a Hike in Southeast Michigan

Whether you’re looking to escape to a natural setting or enjoy a quick hike on your lunch break, southeast Michigan has plenty of great trails to discover. Here are some ideas to get you going on your next hiking adventure.


Best Disc Golf Courses in Michigan

Pack up some discs, grab some water and check out these popular disc golf courses across Michigan.

Man playing flying disc sport game in the city park
Michigan Outdoors

Michigan Bucket List: Nationally Designated Parks in MI

Michigan is known for its gorgeous water, woods, and natural beauty, as well as its role in the Great Lakes regional and national history. There are several National Parks and national-designated parks and trails in Michigan. We’ve listed them below with details for you to add to your summer itinerary or Michigan bucket list.

Health and Wellness

Tips to Successfully Set Screen Limits

Grabbing your phone or switching on the TV or YouTube is second nature for many people. When there is a lull in the day or a moment of silence, it can be easy to fill that space with social media, entertainment or news that are always available at our fingertips. It’s important to set screen time limits for yourself.


Accessible Beaches in Michigan 

Access to beaches and waterfront spaces is improving across Michigan as state parks and city beaches become places that people of all abilities can navigate.

a handicapped man at the beach. electric wheelchair. with assistant on bicycle.

What Even Is UV? Your Guide to the Potentially Harmful Ray

UVA, UVB, UVC: What do these all mean? Here’s how to the know difference and protect yourself from their damage.

UV Ray Guide

Michigan Bucket List: Zoos to Visit

Michigan is home to many zoos, petting zoos, refuges, and specialty animal conservancies that are an exciting, fun and educational experience for the whole family. We’ve compiled some of the best zoos and conservatories from across the state.

Health and Wellness

5 Health Benefits of Volunteering at an Animal Rescue

The joy and affection that animals bring can cheer you up, calm you down, and keep your attention focused and in-the-moment. Not everyone can have a pet at home, and even if you do, you may find volunteering at a local animal rescue to be a rewarding experience. Learn five ways volunteering at an animal shelter can benefit your health.


The One Thing You Aren’t Doing to Protect Your Skin From the Sun

While the sun can be healing, it can also be harmful. Make sure to protect your skin with sunscreen but remember skin protection from sunlight doesn’t stop there.


5 Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Your Stress

Adopting five new habits can help reduce your overall stress and have a positive impact on your life.

care-free woman in an open field
Health and Wellness

What is Social Wellness?

Social wellness, just like another area of personal health, requires care and attention. Your social health, just like physical or mental health, cannot be ignored until something is going wrong.

Health and Wellness

What is Self-Care & How Does it Benefit Health?

Self-care can help build and maintain mental health and resilience. Mental health is not something that can be ignored until something goes wrong. Just like any other area of your personal health, it needs to be maintained and checked up on.


11 Tips to Keep Your Skin Sun Safe

Summer is here and the sun is shining. While you are enjoying the heat and daylight, you also have to protect your skin and body.

mom putting sunscreen on child at beach

Buzz Off! How to Keep Mosquitos Far Away

You can protect yourself against West Nile and other mosquito-borne diseases by avoiding contact with mosquitos. Here are five tips to help you do just that.


Keep Your Hair Healthy this Summer with These Tips

Damaged hair can say a lot about your health – keep your hair healthy in the hot summer with these diet tips and scalp treatments.

Health and Wellness

Tips to Prevent Shin Splints

Shin splints are a common and painful overuse injury or condition usually caused by running, tennis, pickleball, dancing, or other standing exercises for extended periods of time. With some preparation, there are self-treatment tips for preventing shin splints or minimizing the pain from shin splints.

Home and Family

Snack Swaps: Help Kids Eat Healthy All Summer

Lack of structure in the summer can lead to mindless snacking. Try these swaps to help kids eat right this summer.

Snail and Worm Snacks
Diet and Nutrition

Healthy Summer Dinner - Recipe Roundup

During the summer months, Michigan supplies many local produce options including hot-weather crops such as strawberries, cherries, beans, blackberries, squash, and more. Summer fruits and veggies can be included in dishes to add nutritional quality and flavor. Try one of these summer-inspired recipes to make the most of the season.

Home and Family

Adults aren’t the only ones who get stressed out

It’s tempting to romanticize childhood as a time where the biggest concerns are who to sit with in the cafeteria, what your summer plans are, and what to spend your allowance on. Reality during childhood can often be a lot different than the ideal.

Health Conditions

Did You Know: The Connection Between Vision Health and Diabetes

Diabetes can lead to conditions that affect your vision, such as glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to prevent these conditions by reading these tips.


How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Ready to mark the longest day of the year? Stick with us for tips on how to celebrate the summer solstice.

June summer sun solstice concept with silhouette of happy young woman's hands relaxing, meditating and holding sunset against warm golden hour sky on the beach with natural ocean or sea background
Food and Recipes

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds (Plus Two Tasty Variations)

Don't sleep on homemade roasted pumpkin seeds this fall! Here is a basic recipe for this crispy, crunchy and delicious snack, plus two fun variations.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Health and Wellness

Understanding Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is often associated with the coming of winter and loss of daylight, but it can also be brought on in warmer months and is known as summer onset seasonal affective disorder.

Health and Wellness

Do Memory Exercises Work?

There are many products and games marketed as memory aids or mind-sharpening pastimes explicitly, especially for older Americans. Do these exercises really help with memory or have a noticeable effect?

Health and Wellness

Tips to Manage a Skin Breakout

Breakouts on the skin can be frustrating and uncomfortable. When a breakout happens, there are ways to manage the discomfort and the affected areas. There are also some products, behaviors, and foods to avoid for managing breakouts.


Pride 2024 Events Throughout Michigan

Festivals, parades and family-friendly activities are all on tap as Pride events fill up the summer calendar across Michigan in 2024.

Girlfriends meeting at the LGBTQI pride
Health and Wellness

What is Summer Anxiety?

The causes for summer anxiety and depression are broad, but some common causes can be found including sleep issues, schedule changes, and even summer onset seasonal affective disorder.

Health and Wellness

Easy Ways to Reduce Indoor Allergens and Improve Air Quality

Allergens can easily find their way into your home and wreak havoc on your allergies or immune system. Learn how to identify how allergens are entering your home and some easy steps to take to avoid indoor allergens and improve the quality of the air inside.

Mental Health

Mental Health Exercises to Help Alleviate Stress

Avoiding stress can be a tall task with the demands of life and everything going on around you. There are lifestyle changes or habits that can help to alleviate routine stressors or triggers for stress or panic.


5 Ways to Get Your Garden Ready to Plant in May 

Garden lovers, this is the season of so much anticipation. Major gardening activity typically waits until the soil warms up enough to plant the most common crops, and for us in Michigan, this usually means mid to late May

Child and mother gardening in vegetable garden in the backyard
Health and Wellness

Warning Signs to Look for in Children After a Concussion

When a child suffers a fall or a blow to the head, concussion is a concern. It’s important to know the signs of a concussion, warning signs that need immediate care, and what to do for a child who may be concussed.

Health and Wellness

The Benefits of Learning a Second Language

Learning another language will open new doors for you in your personal life, professional life, and social life. Learning a new language is a great way to focus on personal growth, stimulate your mind and your senses, and introduce you to new people and new possibilities.

Health and Wellness

Could your Laundry be Making your Allergies Worse?

Many triggers or allergies or allergens are found in the home or brought into the home from outside and continue to aggravate and trigger allergy symptoms in the supposed comfort of your own home. One of the most common culprits of allergens in the home is laundry and the laundry room.

Health and Wellness

What is Wild Swimming?

Wild swimming, or open-water swimming, refers to swimming in natural waters, open water, or generally swimming outside and in natural waters. Wild swimming and open-water swimming has become more popular in recent years, especially with Americans looking for a mental health boost, since it ties together exercise and connection with nature.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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