High Protein Breakfast Ideas without Meat

A Healthier Michigan

| 3 min read

Medically reviewed by Shanthi Appelo, MS, RD

Americans eat almost twice as much meat as they did a century ago, according to Johns Hopkins
While meat contains high levels of protein, it is also often high in saturated fat. There are many plant-based sources of protein that Americans don’t eat nearly as much as meat. Learn how to start your day off with a healthy high-protein breakfast without relying on meat.

Tofu Scramble

Tofu is a great plant-based source of protein. For a tofu scramble, using firm to extra firm tofu works best to get a chunky scramble. Soft or silken tofu likely won’t result in the consistency or texture desired for a tofu scramble. Start by pressing the tofu to remove excess water. Then, crumble the tofu by hand to the size of chunks you prefer for your scramble. Sauté any veggies you want to include before adding the crumbled tofu and seasonings. Scramble gently over medium-high heat until the tofu is cooked and the veggies are aromatic. Tofu scramble can be eaten on its own or used in a variety of other dishes, including on toast or in a breakfast burrito.

Black Bean Breakfast Burrito

Breakfast burritos are versatile since they are basically a vehicle for your favorite breakfast foods. Quite often breakfast burritos contain meat, but they don’t have to. Use a plant-based protein in a breakfast burrito or black beans for a high-protein filling breakfast. You can get creative with fillings such as eggs, tofu scramble, cheese or vegan cheese and veggies. Black beans are a great source of protein and iron.

Granola with Yogurt

Using a Greek or Icelandic-style yogurt will result in more protein in this breakfast than many types of yogurt. Some granolas are fortified with added protein as well. Avoid yogurts and granolas with excess added sugar.

Oat Muffins

Baking oat muffins with whey or pea protein, eggs and your choice of milk can be a great grab-and-go solution for a high-protein breakfast. Use non-dairy milk if desired, and add fresh or dried fruit, honey, agave or maple syrup to sweeten and brighten the oat muffins. These can be made in a batch ahead of time to make your breakfast choice easier later in the week.

Beans or Hummus on Toast

A common breakfast food across the pond, beans on toast hasn’t caught on as much in the United States. It’s a great source of protein for breakfast. Make toast using whole-grain bread and top with baked beans. You can include eggs, tofu scramble on the toast to vary the meal as desired. Another option is to spread hummus on the toast and top with fresh cut veggies and tomato slices.

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A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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