Mental Health
Is Laughing Good For You?
Like the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. But why is laughing good for you, exactly? From a giggle to a guffaw, here is why laughing is healthy, including lists of short and long-term benefits.
How I’ve Dealt with the Physical and Emotional Changes After Having a Baby
While I love my son and being a new mom, bawling my eyes out about once a day has put a damper on the whole experience. Here’s what I’ve done when I’ve struggled with my mental and physical health.
I Exercised Without Music for A Week: Here’s What I Learned
For as long as I can remember, music has been an essential part of my workout routine. I decided to put my reliance on music to the test and spent a week exercising in complete silence. The results surprised me.
Recreation Therapy Helps People with Disabilities Enjoy Adaptive Versions of Their Favorite Activities
Recreation therapy is a powerful, evidence-based way to empower individuals to live healthy, happy lives. Here are the adaptive recreational activities Disability Network Eastern Michigan organizes through its RecConnect program.
Are You Sensitive to Certain Noises? There’s a Name for That
The two primary sound sensitivity disorders are misophonia and hyperacusis. Misophonia causes emotional, physical or behavioral responses to triggering noises, while hyperacusis results in pain or discomfort from noises that are not loud but affect the individual as if they are loud or painful sounds.
What is Silent Walking?
Silent walking is the idea of a focused, silent walk without listening to music, podcasts, conversation, or other activities often used during runs or walks. The goal of silent walking is to focus your mind and body on the walk, on the world around you, and to use the walk as a meditative experience.
How is Quality of Life Measured?
While it isn’t easy to define in a simple number, taking time to consider our satisfaction with our daily lives, relationships, health and environment can allow us to practice gratitude for what we have and make changes in other areas.
Is Social Media Influencing Your Health Decisions?
While health content like recipes and workout inspiration can be helpful, it’s a good idea to be mindful of red flags when influencers push products or plans.
How to Present a Positive Self-Image While You Try to Lose Weight
Cultivating a positive sense of self while you work on weight loss is an important part of the process as poor body image is associated with anxiety and stress.
How to Feel Connected to a Support System After the Holidays
The post-holiday blues, or a feeling or sadness or let down now that the holidays are over, can contribute to losing touch with loved ones. Here are ways to feel connected to your system after the holidays.
Give it a Rest: The Health Benefits of Doing Nothing
Taking breaks to unplug and do nothing shouldn't be associated with laziness. Research shows that carving out time to do nothing here and there can be beneficial to the body and mind.
Social Media Can Put a Damper on Your Holiday Spirit
If scrolling and swiping makes you feel less than festive, don’t let social media put a damper on your holiday celebrations.
Ways I Mentally Prepare and Cope with the Winter Semester
In my experience, the winter or spring semester of college is more challenging both mentally and physically than the fall. As I prepare for my last semester of school, here are some tips to finish strong.
8 Ways to Stop Holiday Stress Before It Starts
The holidays are as stressful as they are joyous. When it comes to shopping, traveling, decorating and family time, here are ways to mitigate the stress.
Getting Through the Holidays Without Family
Most people who spend the holidays alone feel more lonely than usual and may struggle to enjoy the festive time of year. Here are some tips on how to get through the holidays alone or without family around.
Practicing Body Neutrality During the Holiday Season
With body neutrality, you can let go of negative feelings about yourself and appreciate your body for what it can do. Learn more about body neutrality and how to practice it through the holiday season.
Managing Thanksgiving Stress
While Americans report finding joy and excitement around traditional holidays, almost 9 in 10 also say they also experience stress leading up to and during holiday celebrations. While you can’t avoid all sources of stress, planning ahead and setting personal or social boundaries can help to manage or minimize stress.
What are the Benefits of Breathwork?
The basic principle of breathwork practices is to view the breath as a calming tool that accesses deeper states of awareness, healing and relaxation. Here are some techniques and benefits.
6 Tips to Become a Morning Person
Maybe you feel like you’re dragging your feet or a step behind in the morning, or just wish you were more productive or active when you first get up. Becoming a morning person can be a hard adjustment but can be made much easier by setting yourself up for success by getting good sleep and changing some habits.
How to Create a Personal Mental Health Check-In
Taking time to check in with yourself is a powerful practice for your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Follow these tips to create a personal health check in:
Why Do Some People Love Getting Scared?
Even if getting scared isn’t an enjoyable experience for you, you probably know someone who is a thrill-seeker or enjoys frights and scary movies, haunted houses or rollercoasters. What is it about getting scared that is fun or enjoyable for some people?
How Food Can Impact Mental Health
Eating a healthy and well-rounded diet can improve mental health and make mental health obstacles easier to deal with. On the other hand, a poor diet can be a catalyst for poor mental health and can make it more difficult to manage mental health struggles.
The Benefits of ADHD Management Tools
Whether you respond better to digital resources like smartphone apps or materials like planners and sticky notes, ADHD management tools can help in a variety of ways.
8 Tools to Manage ADHD
By current estimates, more than 7 million children and more than 8 million adults in the United States have ADHD. Here are 8 tools to better manage ADHD for both adults and children.
Digital Decluttering: Tips and Benefits
Decluttering our digital spaces can become almost as necessary as cleaning and decluttering living spaces and may even need to be done more often. Here are some helpful ways to start digital decluttering and some benefits you may see as a result.
What is Pebbling?
Pebbling refers to the practice of sending or leaving little day-brighteners or “pebbles” for others in your life. It has been described as a love language, an appreciation practice or a ritual form of communication for couples, friends and family. The term comes from the behavior of Gentoo penguins, who will present pebbles to other penguins they are bonding with, to use in nesting.
Self-Care Habits I Adopted in the Last Year
In the hustle of everyday life, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care. I know when my schedule picks up, I have a habit of prioritizing my responsibilities over my own wellness. However, I’ve made the conscious decision to incorporate self-care habits into my routine.
Coping with Caregiving: How a Family Needs to Lean on Each Other for Support
Supporting a sick loved one is something that nothing can truly prepare a family for. It can be stressful enough going about your day-to-day life and trying to be supportive of each other, but when you add supporting a family member through illness, daily life activities can become more challenging.
Here's What I Do to Become Less Dependent on My Phone
I think I can speak for almost everyone when I say that my smart phone runs my entire life. Staying connected with friends, listening to music, and mapping me to my next destination. As someone who grew up in a world where cell phones always existed, it is hard for me to imagine a world in which I am not dependent on my smart phone
What are the Seven Principles of Mindfulness?
Taking time to clear your mind of thoughts, judgments and opinions can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. This practice is known as mindfulness.
Practicing Self-Care While Grieving
Taking care of yourself and being mindful of your mental and overall health can be especially difficult when you are grieving. Self-care is important during times of loss, even though it may be difficult. Here are some ideas and tips for taking care of yourself and being mindful of your personal mental health while you grieve.
Mental Health Conversation Starters: Here’s How I Open Up
Mental health, anxiety and depression are topics many people shy away from because they can be uncomfortable to talk about. Breaking the stigma around mental health is extremely important because someone’s mental health is just as important as their physical health.
5 Creative Ways to Support Someone with Cancer
It can be difficult to know how to respond when a friend or loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Emotional support and encouragement can be helpful to cancer patients, but often, cancer patients have logistical, physical and financial needs that you can help them with. Here are five creative ways to help someone with cancer.
Surprising Health Benefits of Labor Day
You may associate Labor Day with barbecues, fun and the end of summer, but Labor Day has long been tied to public health. The origins of Labor Day include movements for better workplace health protections and improved quality of life for workers. Here are some health benefits from Labor Day that may surprise you.
What is Mental Decluttering?
Mental decluttering is a process of clearing one's mind of excessive and unnecessary thoughts and worries to focus on the thoughts that matter. Individuals can use simple practices to declutter their minds. It just takes a few minutes a day to create healthy, sustainable habits.
What I Do to Combat Loneliness in College
When I imagined what life would be like in college, I never once considered I would be lonely. I had pictured an ideal movie montage in my head of staying up late, surrounded by friends and going to fun social events whenever I felt like it.
Shed Calories and Build Friendships: POUND Fitness Combines Cardio, Pilates and Drumming
POUND is a cardio-based workout that incorporates Pilates, core strengthening and arm and leg movements. But you won't just burn calories; instructor and Grass Lake resident Crystal Scott can attest to POUND's mental benefits.
How to Help Kids Prepare for the First Year of Middle School
The first year of middle school is full of new experiences and challenges. Parents and mentors have an important role in helping kids acclimate and succeed in middle school. Learn some approaches and tips for helping kids prepare for middle school.
How to Deal with End-of-Summer Anxiety
You may feel anxiety rising as summer nears its end and autumn and winter get nearer. This end-of-summer anxiety can be tied to a few causes. Learn how to recognize and deal with “August anxiety” or the back-to-school blues.
Benefits of Reading Aloud to Kids
Reading out loud to your kids is a great way to spend time together and has multiple educational and emotional benefits for both kids and adults. Time spent together with books and stories can help kids’ reading and comprehension skills, as well as be a centering and calming practice for everyone involved, especially when reading together is part of a routine.
Tips to Unwind from the Workday Without Alcohol
Alcohol is involved in cultural and social norms, including after-work decompression and socialization, but there are many ways to wind down after work and “chill out” that don’t involve alcohol.
How Mood Disorders and Physical Discomfort Can Affect Bond with Unborn Baby
While many women do fall in love with their unborn babies as soon as they see the two pink lines appear on their pregnancy tests, for others, it doesn’t happen quite that way. That’s OK; it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you!
Tips to Successfully Set Screen Limits
Grabbing your phone or switching on the TV or YouTube is second nature for many people. When there is a lull in the day or a moment of silence, it can be easy to fill that space with social media, entertainment or news that are always available at our fingertips. It’s important to set screen time limits for yourself.
5 Health Benefits of Volunteering at an Animal Rescue
The joy and affection that animals bring can cheer you up, calm you down, and keep your attention focused and in-the-moment. Not everyone can have a pet at home, and even if you do, you may find volunteering at a local animal rescue to be a rewarding experience. Learn five ways volunteering at an animal shelter can benefit your health.
5 Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Your Stress
Adopting five new habits can help reduce your overall stress and have a positive impact on your life.
What is Social Wellness?
Social wellness, just like another area of personal health, requires care and attention. Your social health, just like physical or mental health, cannot be ignored until something is going wrong.
What is Self-Care & How Does it Benefit Health?
Self-care can help build and maintain mental health and resilience. Mental health is not something that can be ignored until something goes wrong. Just like any other area of your personal health, it needs to be maintained and checked up on.
What Do Signs and Symptoms of PTSD Look Like?
Trauma is an event or series of events that threaten your sense of safety or your life.

Music Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease
Music therapy experiences may include singing songs, playing instruments, writing music, or listening to music and analyzing the lyrics. Music therapy interventions can address a variety of health care and educational goals.
What Is the 5 to 9 Before Your 9 to 5 Productivity Trend?
TikTok users are sharing their morning routines before settling down at their laptops at home or heading to work. Those using this trend are getting up earlier – 5 a.m. – to pack more into their days.
Societal Expectations and the Impact on Men’s Health Attitudes
When it comes to health care, men tend to be much more reluctant than women to obtain preventive care or seek out medical care when there’s an issue. And this reluctance can increase their risk for health consequences.
How I’ve Been Taking Care of My Mental Health During Pregnancy
Six months ago, I found out I was pregnant with my first child — only two months into the “honeymoon stage” of marriage. To be honest, even at 35 years old, I was not prepared at all!
The Benefits of Unstructured Travel Time
Ditching all the planning and your phone can alleviate stress and restore creativity. Giving yourself time on your vacation to restore your whole body will help you when you’re back home.
Understanding Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is often associated with the coming of winter and loss of daylight, but it can also be brought on in warmer months and is known as summer onset seasonal affective disorder.
Do Memory Exercises Work?
There are many products and games marketed as memory aids or mind-sharpening pastimes explicitly, especially for older Americans. Do these exercises really help with memory or have a noticeable effect?
Can Gardening Improve Mental Health?
On top of growing your own food and plants, you could be relieving stress and improving your attention span every time you get in the garden.
What is Summer Anxiety?
The causes for summer anxiety and depression are broad, but some common causes can be found including sleep issues, schedule changes, and even summer onset seasonal affective disorder.
5 Tips to Avoid Loneliness While Working from Home
Working from home has obvious benefits, but many of us who work remotely know it can also breed loneliness. These tips encourage movement and socialization. They may help you break up the monotony of the remote work day.
Mental Health Exercises to Help Alleviate Stress
Avoiding stress can be a tall task with the demands of life and everything going on around you. There are lifestyle changes or habits that can help to alleviate routine stressors or triggers for stress or panic.
The Benefits of Learning a Second Language
Learning another language will open new doors for you in your personal life, professional life, and social life. Learning a new language is a great way to focus on personal growth, stimulate your mind and your senses, and introduce you to new people and new possibilities.
How Re-Watching Movies and TV Shows Helps Me Cope With My Anxiety
I've found that when I'm feeling depressed or particularly anxious, I will revert to that old childhood habit of watching movies and shows I've already seen. And, when I'm feeling like this, sometimes watching something new will actually make me feel worse.
Precocious Puberty in Children and How it Impacts the Mental Health of Young Girls
Early puberty, also called precocious puberty, refers to the premature onset of puberty in children. The stages of puberty include body and hormone changes that allow the body to reproduce. Early onset puberty can have negative effects on the mental health of children.
Navigating Mother’s Day Celebrations When It’s Hard
Have self-compassion and don’t feel like you need to enjoy or recognize Mother's Day. Allow yourself to feel the emotions you have rather than pressuring yourself to feel happy or joyful.
What are Awe Walks?
An awe walk is a hike or walk focused on enjoying and taking part in the natural world around you. To take part in awe walking, all that is needed is to focus on the world around you and awe-inspiring aspects of nature while you walk.
How to Deal with Social Anxiety
About 15 million Americans struggle with social anxiety disorder, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Learn how to overcome social anxiety.
Benefits of Healing Gardens
It is common sense that being around nature, fresh air, and pleasant images or aromas from plants can be soothing. But are there actual healing benefits to healing gardens?
How Long Does It Take the Body to Recover from Drinking
The long-term effects of alcohol use do not go away as soon as you stop drinking or alter your drinking habits. Some noticeable changes and markers of recovery may show up as soon as days or weeks after beginning abstinence from alcohol.
How to Stop a Panic Attack
When a panic attack hits, one can feel out of control or in extreme danger. Anxiety over the panic attack or attempts to avoid or prevent an oncoming panic attack can add to the feelings of urgency and panic.
How Taking a Break from Alcohol Benefits Your Health
Alcohol negatively affects physical and mental health in many ways, especially if consumed in excess, routinely or habitually. The reverse is also true, however – sobriety or cutting alcohol out of a lifestyle can have significant, positive effects on overall health and wellness.
The Link Between Stress and Nutrition
The link between stress and nutrition is bi-directional, meaning they both affect each other. Stress can affect our eating habits, especially the chances of unhealthy choices or overeating. Additionally, poor nutrition and diet choices can exacerbate or increase levels of stress.
Foods That Help with Stress Relief
What you eat can have a significant effect on your stress levels and risk of chronic stress. Proper nutrition is an important element to handling stress and anxiety. Learn more about foods that can help manage stress and anxiety.
Why Indoor Plants Are Good for Your Mental Health
Ready to lower your blood pressure and feel more relaxed? Indoor plants might be a worthy investment. Let’s look at how they can make you feel better – and why.
Is Coloring a Good Way for Adults to Relieve Stress?
Coloring has been found to be a therapeutic or meditative activity for many and can have multifold benefits, especially for adults with high levels of stress or anxiety.
How Seasonal Changes, Even in the Spring, Affect My Anxiety
I’ve noticed something about my anxiety over the years – that almost every year it feels like my anxiety heightens around mid-March/early-April. Each year, it comes as a surprise to me. Learn more about springtime seasonal mood changes.
5 Ways Alcohol Can Affect Your Health and Fitness Progress
The use and overuse of alcohol limits and inhibits your overall level of health and fitness. Alcohol suppresses many of your body’s main functions to different extents and can affect your ability to recover from illness and injury.
Brain-Sharpening Exercises and Activities
Just like our bodies, our brains change as we age. But there are exercises and activities that can slow or even prevent some of that decline.
How to Stay Healthy During Spring Break
Make the most of the wonderful weather by getting your body up and moving. Springtime outdoor workouts can reinvigorate you after a long cold winter. Make sure you are staying healthy and moving this spring.
Signs of Feeding and Eating Disorders in Children
Feeding and eating disorders are considered mental health disorders and medical illnesses. Understanding the types, signs and symptoms is important, regardless of an individual’s age and gender.
5 Ways to Get Moving with Meditation
Who says meditation has to be solitary, still and boring? Get active in your practice with these five moves. Meditation takes many forms, and these five can be a boon for your physical and mental health.
What’s the Let-Down Effect? Here’s How I Dealt With It
Mental health advocate and contributor Monica Drake shares her experience with the let-down effect after planning and celebrating her wedding, and how she dealt with the feelings of listlessness after the big day.
Why Tanning Beds Don’t Help with Seasonal Depression
Thinking about popping into a tanning bed to ward off the winter blues? Not so fast.

Melting Away Winter Health Myths
Not everything you hear about how the winter affects your health is true. As the dead of winter approaches, it's important to be as informed as possible.
Ways to Combat Winter Restlessness
Did you know emotions associated with the “winter blues” can affect 10% to 20% of people this time of year? These tips can help you combat those emotions.
Benefits of Owning a Dog
Most dogs are naturally happy and even excited to see their owners. They wag their tails, lean against their owner, stick close for a head scratch or a friendly greeting. It’s a welcome-home reaction that’s pretty hard to beat. It speaks to the bond most people have with their pets, and this relationship has lots of perks for the owners, too. Four-legged friends bring their owners both mental and physical benefits as part of their relationships.
The Calming Effect of Decluttering
Here are six tips on tackling clutter and organizing. If you’re dealing with items inherited from parents and items your grown children have left behind, these pointers are especially helpful.
Decluttering for the New Year
Clutter doesn't always refer to physical items. If your house and your life feel a little messy, it’s time to declutter for the New Year. Here are some tips.
How I Am Managing the Holidays While Grieving
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake writes about how she is managing the holiday season while grieving a recent loss in her family.
3 Tips to Ease Travel Anxiety
If stress has become an uninvited guest on your vacations or work trips, you may have travel anxiety.
5 Meditations to Try
Ready to add a little more zen to your life? Try these 5 kinds of meditations.
How I Learned to Manage Impulsive and Intrusive Thoughts
Mental health advocate and contributor Monica Drake shares how she learned the difference between impulsive and intrusive thoughts -- and how they affect her mental health.
Overcoming Post-Vacation Blues
If getting back from a trip gives you the blues, here’s how to overcome post-vacation depression.
Advice for Coping with Holiday Blues
Contributor Monica Drake shares what you can do if the holidays aren’t feeling so joyful right now.
Detroit Native Builds ‘Slow AF Run Club’ Community to Bust Stereotypes
Detroit native Martinus Evans started running at 300 pounds 10 years ago, and has gone on to run eight marathons and founded a 25,000-member online running community called the “Slow AF Run Club.” The community is inclusive, and empowers people to run “in the body they have right now.”
How Change – Even Good Change – Affects My Anxiety
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake writes about one of the biggest triggers for her anxiety -- change -- as she prepared to get married.
How Does Alcohol Affect My Sleep?
Booze before bed may seem like an OK way to help you doze off quickly. But the tradeoff is usually fragmented sleep, wakefulness and a very groggy day after.
This Suicide Prevention Month, I Remember.
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake writes about what Suicide Prevention Month means to her and why.
Know this Acronym to Help Prevent Suicide
Learn about WAIT, which offers simple suicide prevention advice.
The Power of a Routine in College
Having trouble staying organized at school? Adding structure to our lives can bring out the best versions of ourselves. Here's what a routine-oriented approach can offer.
How I Protected My Mental Health While Dating
Since the unknown is one of the biggest triggers for my anxiety, it’s no wonder that dating had such an effect on me.
The Health Benefits of Grounding
Swim in a lake, walk in the grass or lay on the sand and you might get the benefits from grounding.