Ellie Striebich is a 2024 Corporate Communications intern for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. She currently attends Michigan State University and studies advertising management, and public relations.
Self-Care Habits I Adopted in the Last Year
4 min read

In the hustle of everyday life, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care. I know when my schedule picks up, I have a habit of prioritizing my responsibilities over my own wellness. However, I’ve made the conscious decision to incorporate self-care habits into my routine.
Here are some self-care habits I adopted that have significantly transformed my life:
Morning rituals
Starting your morning right means giving yourself some time before diving straight into stressful activities like work and emails. Doing this can set a chaotic tone for the rest of the day. Instead try and wake up earlier than you planned – even if it's only 10 minutes. Use that time to do something that calms you down like meditating, enjoying a cup of tea, or journaling. This intentional start helps me feel more grounded and ready to face the day.
Mindful movement
The thought of exercise can be daunting if it’s thought of as a chore. I used to push myself through intense workouts, which made me hate the idea of exercise. It’s important to shift away from this mindset and embrace activities that bring you joy. This could mean anything that involves moving your body like hiking, yoga, or dancing. By making this change in mentality, I not only stay fit, but also have a more positive and uplifting attitude.
Keeping a journal can be surprisingly therapeutic. Journaling does not have any expectations or guidelines and can mean anything you want it to. You can write about your day, jot down thoughts and emotions, or even draw. Putting these things down on paper can be a lot clearer than trying to sort through them in your mind.
Quality sleep
It’s so easy to put sleep last on your list of priorities, especially if you’re managing so many other things at once. Quality sleep is a cornerstone of self-care and plays a vital role in maintaining both physical and mental health. Getting enough rest allows your body to repair itself and deeply process emotions and thoughts. Improve your quality of sleep by prioritizing a consistent sleep schedule and creating a restful environment. I do this by establishing my nightly routine and making myself as comfortable as possible.
It’s important to fuel your body with nourishing meals to stay full and energized all day. Studies have shown that gut health has a significant effect on mood and, in some cases, mental health. This doesn’t have to be a drastic change – start by trying to incorporate a fruit or vegetable into every meal. Being mindful about nutrition will help you feel better both physically and mentally.
Gratitude practice
I find when I think about people around me before myself or do small things to show gratitude, it goes a long way for others and my own mental health. Practicing gratitude can have an impact on self-esteem and improve social connections. Here are some simple methods to get started:
- Keep a list of things you are grateful for and add to the list as often as you can.
- Be mindful of your words and expressions. It can be as simple as always saying thank you or smiling at a stranger.
- Meditate: this can be difficult for a wandering mind but keeping your focus on things you’re grateful for can be more fulfilling.
Being mindful means focusing your attention on being present and fully engaging in the moment. It helps improve focus, reduce stress, and feel a sense of calm and clarity in your daily life. I try to be mindful in hectic times by removing myself from the stressor for a short time. I then practice mindfulness by breathing deeply, closing my eyes, or meditating.
Self-care kit
A self-care kit is a collection of things that bring you a sense of comfort or calm and can be used as an effective tool for coping with stress. To get started, find a small container or bag and start filling it with small things that are personal to you. Here are some ideas:
- Your favorite book or poem
- A fidget
- A candle or perfume in your favorite scent
- Photos with people or pets that mean the most to you
- Positive quotes or phrases