Skincare Routine Essentials for Chronic Skin Conditions
3 min read

Skincare can vary widely from person to person, just as their skin conditions and skin qualities differ. Knowing about your skin allergies or sensitivities, and skin type can determine whether you have a chronic condition. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), there are five common types of skin that each need their own skincare essentials:
- Sensitive skin can turn red, sting, burn, or break out after some interactions
- Normal skin is clear and not overly sensitive
- Dry skin, or flaky, itchy, rough skin
- Oily skin, which is shiny and greasy
- Combination skin, which is dry in some areas and greasy or oil in others
Skin care routine essentials
For everyone, proper hydration, protection, and hygiene are vital for skin health. According to the AAD, there are some regular skin care tips everyone can live by to better their skin health:
- Wear sunscreen daily.
- Do not use tanning beds or lamps.
- Simplify your skin care routine – this is especially important for those with sensitive skin.
- Choose the right skin care products for your skin.
- Take care of your lips with lip treatment products and moisturizer.
- Keep your hands off and away from your face, eyes and mouth.
- Check your skin regularly with your care team.
For those with dry and sensitive skin, skin care can be more aggravating and irritating to the skin, especially aggressive skincare products. Use these tips to avoid drying out your skin more or adding irritation to sensitive skin.
- Use warm water to bathe, not hot.
- Limit bathing time to under 10 minutes.
- Use fragrance-free cleaning and skin care products.
- Blot or dab skin dry, do not rub with a towel.
- Use moisturizer immediately after drying.
- Wear gloves in cold weather.
Caring for chronic skin conditions
Depending on the severity and extent of chronic skin conditions, certain products or medications may need to be added to a skincare routine. According to the Mayo Clinic, the most common products or medications used for chronic skin conditions or chronic dermatitis include:
- corticosteroid gels, creams, or ointments
- immune medications including calcineurin inhibitors
- natural light therapy
- injectable biologics or steroids
Some common skin care products might irritate or aggravate chronic skin conditions. For individuals living with eczema, a common chronic dry skin condition, it is extremely important to keep the skin well hydrated. According to the Cleveland Clinic, moisturizing products containing ceramides, are a great addition to skin care routines for dry skin or those with eczema.
Skin care products to avoid with chronic skin conditions
Products that should be avoided, depending on the chronic skin condition and your care team’s direction, include:
- hydrogen peroxide
- toothpaste
- fragrances and scents
- antibiotics like neomycin and polymyxin B
- salt, sugar, or other abrasive scrubs or masks
- anti-aging or firming creams or products
Related Links:
- How Do Skin Allergy Tests Work? (
- Best Skin Care Routine Essentials for Men (
- Are These Social Trends Harming Your Skin? (
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