What I’m Doing Instead of Drinking This St. Patrick’s Day
Mental health advocate and contributing writer Monica Drake shares why she decided not to drink this St. Patrick's Day. Here's how she plans to celebrate the Irish holiday without alcohol this year.
How I’ve Dealt with the Physical and Emotional Changes After Having a Baby
While I love my son and being a new mom, bawling my eyes out about once a day has put a damper on the whole experience. Here’s what I’ve done when I’ve struggled with my mental and physical health.
Are New Year’s Resolutions Bad?
Integrative health expert, keynote speaker, radio personality, business owner and NASM Master Trainer Angela T. Moore talks about the pros and cons of New Year's resolutions. Are they bad? The answer might surprise you.

How Food Can Impact Mental Health
Eating a healthy and well-rounded diet can improve mental health and make mental health obstacles easier to deal with. On the other hand, a poor diet can be a catalyst for poor mental health and can make it more difficult to manage mental health struggles.
Malnutrition: The Difference Between Undernutrition and Overnutrition
Malnutrition is often associated with being severely underweight. However, anyone whose body is deprived of the nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function is malnourished.
Common Food Safety Issues
There are more than 30 million cases of illness cause by food contamination annually in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Many of these cases are preventable with proper cooking, handling and storing practices. Learning proper food preparation practices and getting rid of unhealthy habits in the kitchen can prevent food poisoning and safety issues.
Benefits of Sharing Meals
Sharing meals is a great way to spend more time with your family and friends. It turns out there are multiple benefits to health and well-being from sharing meals, including improved eating habits, reduces stress and tension, improved self-image in kids, and improved family relationships.
How Mood Disorders and Physical Discomfort Can Affect Bond with Unborn Baby
While many women do fall in love with their unborn babies as soon as they see the two pink lines appear on their pregnancy tests, for others, it doesn’t happen quite that way. That’s OK; it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you!
Foot Safety Tips for Adults and Children
Summertime comes with unique challenges or environments that can harm or endanger foot health and foot safety. With increased time spent active outdoors, in the sun, and barefoot or in open-toed shoes, more care and attention is needed prevent injuries or burns to the feet.
Societal Expectations and the Impact on Men’s Health Attitudes
When it comes to health care, men tend to be much more reluctant than women to obtain preventive care or seek out medical care when there’s an issue. And this reluctance can increase their risk for health consequences.
How I’ve Been Taking Care of My Mental Health During Pregnancy
Six months ago, I found out I was pregnant with my first child — only two months into the “honeymoon stage” of marriage. To be honest, even at 35 years old, I was not prepared at all!
The MIND Diet Slows Aging and Reduces Dementia Risk
Combining the strategies of the Mediterranean diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, the MIND diet revolves around healthy combinations of foods that may help reduce inflammation, hypertension and high blood pressure, and protect against cardiovascular and neurological diseases and signs of aging.
How Re-Watching Movies and TV Shows Helps Me Cope With My Anxiety
I've found that when I'm feeling depressed or particularly anxious, I will revert to that old childhood habit of watching movies and shows I've already seen. And, when I'm feeling like this, sometimes watching something new will actually make me feel worse.
How Taking a Break from Alcohol Benefits Your Health
Alcohol negatively affects physical and mental health in many ways, especially if consumed in excess, routinely or habitually. The reverse is also true, however – sobriety or cutting alcohol out of a lifestyle can have significant, positive effects on overall health and wellness.
How Seasonal Changes, Even in the Spring, Affect My Anxiety
I’ve noticed something about my anxiety over the years – that almost every year it feels like my anxiety heightens around mid-March/early-April. Each year, it comes as a surprise to me. Learn more about springtime seasonal mood changes.
Seven Eye-Opening Ways to Save Your Vision
It’s easy to take good vision for granted – until it’s no longer there. Bad lifestyle habits can jeopardize good vision and negatively impact quality of life.
5 Common Household Poisons to Avoid
Someone in the U.S. is exposed to poison every 15 seconds, according to statistics from the National Capital Poison Center. In 2021, more than two million people called Poison Control for help. Children are the most at risk for poisoning, especially those six years and under.
Do You Have a Healthy Heart?
NASM Master Trainer Angela Moore writes about the importance of knowing key numbers for heart health. She writes: "I encourage you to take it one day at a time, one step at a time, and know that every effort you make to become healthier increases your chance of living a healthier and happier life for many years to come. Here’s to a healthier heart and a healthier YOU!"
What’s the Let-Down Effect? Here’s How I Dealt With It
Mental health advocate and contributor Monica Drake shares her experience with the let-down effect after planning and celebrating her wedding, and how she dealt with the feelings of listlessness after the big day.
How I Am Managing the Holidays While Grieving
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake writes about how she is managing the holiday season while grieving a recent loss in her family.
Caregiving During the Holidays: Tips to Navigate Gatherings
Contributor Julie Edgar of the AAA 1-B offers advice on how caregivers of older adults can navigate holiday family gatherings to make them fun and manageable.
How I Learned to Manage Impulsive and Intrusive Thoughts
Mental health advocate and contributor Monica Drake shares how she learned the difference between impulsive and intrusive thoughts -- and how they affect her mental health.
Advice for Coping with Holiday Blues
Contributor Monica Drake shares what you can do if the holidays aren’t feeling so joyful right now.
How Change – Even Good Change – Affects My Anxiety
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake writes about one of the biggest triggers for her anxiety -- change -- as she prepared to get married.
What I Learned By Shifting to a Different Mirror
integrative health expert, keynote speaker, radio personality, and business owner. She's a NASM Master Trainer, PAngela T. Moore explains the different types of workouts available and how you can decide which one is best for you.
This Suicide Prevention Month, I Remember.
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake writes about what Suicide Prevention Month means to her and why.
The Power of a Routine in College
Having trouble staying organized at school? Adding structure to our lives can bring out the best versions of ourselves. Here's what a routine-oriented approach can offer.
How I Protected My Mental Health While Dating
Since the unknown is one of the biggest triggers for my anxiety, it’s no wonder that dating had such an effect on me.
How to Choose the Right Workout for You
Angela T. Moore explains the different types of workouts available and how you can decide which one is best for you.
How My Workout Became a Part of My Social Life
Working out with friends has its benefits. Added motivation is usually one of them. That was the experience for Maria Cassel, who details her health journey in this first-person writing.
Writing One Sentence Per Day: How it Helped My Creativity
Summer intern Mike Merucci shares how writing one sentence per day helped boost his creativity and his mental health.
The Health Benefits of Golf
Gracefully Greying health correspondent Lila Lazarus explores the health benefits of golf for both the body and the mind.

Starting College Out-of-State Was Scary. Here’s How I Coped.
Contributor and summer intern Caitlyn Begosa writes about starting her first year of college out-of-state, and how she learned to adapt.
Why I Started Hiking for Mental Clarity
Contributor and summer intern Olivia Durkee shares how hiking has helped her mental health and become an outlet for her stress.
How My Pets Helped My Mental Health
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares how her pets have helped her mental health.
Mental Health and Fitness: My Experience Becoming a Gym Regular
Summer intern Jenna Natwick shares how becoming a gym regular has helped her with her anxiety.
Rare or Well-Done? The Meat Safety Debate
Gracefully Greying health correspondent Lila Lazarus reviews the benefits and risks to cooking meat rare or well-done, while keeping safety in mind.

Reduce Your Load if The Weight is Too Heavy
Licensed therapist, NASM master trainer and integrative health expert Angela T. Moore shares signs you're carrying too much weight — mentally and physically.
What Does it Feel Like to Have a Panic Attack?
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares her experience with panic attacks, and talks about the strategies that help her manage them.
Ways to Protect Your Brain Health Through a Healthy Lifestyle
Aging experts say diet, exercise, sleep and social habits play a big role in protecting brain health and preventing mental declines and dementia.
How My Anxiety Weighs on My Decision to Have Children
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares how her anxiety has affected her feelings on having a family in the future.
Practicing Mindfulness Without Meditation: My Mindfulness Journey
Contributor Mia Gallucci writes about trying to practice mindfulness without meditating — all while doing everyday activities.
Five Reasons to Start Playing Pickleball
Gracefully Greying health correspondent Lila Lazarus dives into the pickleball craze — and finds it can be good for your health.

Caregiving Can Be Stressful. Here Is How to Ask for Help.
Often unpaid caregivers sacrifice their health and well-being to meet the needs of a loved one. Here are some tips from the experts on how to ask for help.
Tips for Highly Productive People: How to Know When to Rest
Licensed therapist, NASM master trainer and integrative health expert Angela T. Moore shares how to know when it's time to take a break from work and rest.
I Always Hated Exercise – Until I Saw How Much it Helped My Anxiety
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares how starting an exercise routine has helped her manage her anxiety.
What’s All the Fuss About Cold Plunges?
Gracefully Greying health correspondent Lila Lazarus tries the cold plunge trend and reports back on results.
Parli Italiano? What Learning a Language Taught Me About Myself
Contributor Mia Gallucci writes about her inspiration for learning a second language — a journey that took dedication and consistency.
Here is What I Did When Life Felt Pointless
Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares how she managed her feelings when life felt pointless — and how she got help.
The Power of Journaling
Gracefully Greying health correspondent Lila Lazarus brings a new way to positively impact your health: journaling.
Taking Care of Your Heart and Mental Health Go Hand-in-Hand
Writer and mental health advocate Monica Drake offers a reminder for American Heart Month that taking care of your mental health is good for your heart.
The Moment I Decided to Stop Being a Victim
Licensed therapist, NASM master trainer and integrative health expert Angela T. Moore shares her personal journey through trauma.
Tips for Long-Distance Caregiving
If you live at a distance, here are tips for maximizing your caregiver effectiveness – and maintaining your peace of mind.
How to Deal With the Loss of Your Pet
Losing a pet can be very difficult. They’re more than just animals. Often, they are beloved members of the family.
Packing a Punch: Learning Tactical Self-Defense
Contributor Mia Gallucci writes about her experience trying a tactical self-defense class — and what she learned along the way.
How Access to Diverse Stories Would Have Helped Me in High School
Monica Drake shares how reading books from diverse perspectives has helped her as an adult — and imagines how they could have helped her when she was younger.
5 Unusual Health Tips for a Daily Better Life
Gracefully Greying health correspondent Lila Lazarus shares five unusual health tips that most people don’t know about.
Are You Physically and Mentally Fit?
Licensed therapist, NASM master trainer and integrative health expert Angela T. Moore discusses the importance of talking about mental fitness.
New Year Doesn’t Have to Mean ‘New You’
Contributor Monica Drake dispels the myth that entering the new year has to mean changing yourself — and offers advice on how to increase self-confidence.
Be Your Own Health Advocate
Being an advocate for health is not only important on the field, on the track, in the arena, or on the court; it is even more important in our daily lives.
Volunteering Brings a Fresh Perspective
Contributor Mia Gallucci shares how taking time to volunteer refreshed her outlook on life and helped her find clarity during a busy time.
Trauma is Like a Sucker Punch to the Kidneys
Contributor Angela Moore shares a story of how she was sucker punched while kickboxing — and how it reminds her of how trauma impacts the body and mind.
How Horror Films Helped Me with My Anxiety
Contributor Monica Drake writes about how scary movies — along with mental health treatment — have helped counteract her anxiety.
Coming Out at Work: Finding Support and Protection
Contributor Stephanie Munier Radant shares how she was met with support and kindness when she came out to her coworkers.
Mia Gallucci: Growing a Green Thumb
Contributor Mia Gallucci writes about her latest hobby — vegetable gardening — and the trials and triumphs she encountered over the summer.
Gracefully Greying: Why Dental Health Matters As You Age
Gracefully Greying correspondent Lila Lazarus talks with a dentist about the importance of regular dental checkups during the aging process.
Crisis Lifelines Make a Difference to Someone Considering Suicide
Contributor Monica Drake writes about how crisis lifelines can help someone experiencing suicidal thoughts.
Angela T. Moore: Heal From a Place of Health, Not Hurt!
Angela Moore reflects on her journey to healing and how she overcame using her past as an excuse.
Self-Soothing Techniques to Stay Productive and Balanced
Chavonn Hussey writes about the self-soothing techniques that she has found have helped her maintain balance with work, life and mental health.
Angela T. Moore: Do Not Get Stressed About Working Out
Health expert and counselor Angela T. Moore shares tips to change our mindset around exercise to view it as a privilege, not a burden.
Monica Drake: Check in on Your Child’s Mental Health
Contributor Monica Drake writes about why it's so important to check in your child's mental health — and to get them help if they need it.
Gracefully Greying: The Power of Breakfast
Gracefully Greying health correspondent Lila Lazarus joins Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan registered dietitian Shanthi Appelo for a virtual breakfast.
Mia Gallucci: Stuck in a Rut? Challenge Your Daily Routine
Our lives can be dominated by technology and constant updates about the world around us. Mia Gallucci shares her journey to challenge her daily routine.
Angela T. Moore: I May Be a Woman, But I Care About Men’s Health!
How can you encourage the men in your life to take their health more seriously, as well as support their health journey?
Youth Suicide Rates In LGBTQ+ Community Decrease Since Legalization of Gay Marriage
Contributor Monica Drake shares a personal story from a friend who came out as gay; and how the legalization of gay marriage affected his outlook.
Busy? Yes! Believe It Or Not, You Can Be Healthy Too!
Angela T. Moore, certified therapist and fitness coach, offers tips for finding ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle even when you are busy.
How Mental Health Care Changed My Life
Monica Drake, writer and mental health advocate, shares her mental health journey. “You are not alone in this. Millions of others, including me, are with you.”
Are You Willing to Reveal Your Wounds So That You Can Heal?
Don’t be afraid to reveal your wounds so that you can heal. You have the resilience and the strength to not only heal but also thrive in your life.
Spring into Health this Spring!
Spring is the perfect season to spring into health. You can do it with these three simple steps.
How to Become the Healthiest You in 2022
Everyday strategies to become healthy and happy this year!
Don’t Take a Holiday from Your Health During the Holidays!
The holidays are the perfect reason in the season to ramp up and increase your healthy lifestyle efforts.
Help! I Feel Sad During the Holidays
While the holiday season is often a time for celebration and family gatherings, for many the holiday season is a time of sadness and despair.
Want to Live a Healthier Lifestyle?
The most important thing you can do when striving to live a healthy lifestyle is to create environments that support healthy actions.
Back to Work and Back to School: It’s the Perfect Time to Focus on Well-being
As kids return back to school, parents can take action to ensure the health and well-being of their children at home and at school.
What Are You Willing to Do for the People You Love?
The reality is that integrating healthy lifestyle habits and maintaining those habits is the best gift that you can give yourself and those that you love.
What’s Your Motivation for Weight Loss?
If you are motivated to be healthy, you will not only look good, but you will also feel good and enjoy the many benefits of a healthier life.
Suffering From “Quarantine 15” Or “The Covid 19”? Move It To Lose it!
The key is to move the body in an effective way. Ideally, you want to move your body in a way that promotes a healthy body as well as a healthy body image.
Find Your ‘Why’ For Living a Healthy Life
Angela T. Moore, certified therapist and fitness coach, explains how to find your 'why' for living a healthy life. The answers will fuel your motivation.