5 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Really Achieve

2 min read

resolutions you can achieve
The new year is often viewed as an opportunity to set goals, whether it’s eating better, exercising more or feeling less stress. But while one in three Americans have New Year’s resolutions, less than half actually stick with their goals. It’s no wonder: Sticking to big changes gets hard week after week. That’s where these five resolutions come in. Because they’re all simple actions that don’t require a lot of willpower, they’re easier to stick with.
  1. Resolve to reconnect with old friends. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be hard to keep up with your friends—especially ones who don’t live near you anymore. Set a goal to check in on a good friend once a week. The more often you talk, the easier it will be to know what’s really going on in their lives.
  1. Resolve to get up more often. Studies have shown that sitting for eight hours or more during the day is linked to a higher risk for kidney disease, obesity, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. You can prevent that by looking for more opportunities to get on your feet. Set a goal to take a 10-minute walk during your lunch break or to stand up while working for at least 30 minutes a day.
  1. Resolve to give back. Make a goal to collect spare change throughout the year and donate it to an organization that’s close to your heart. Ready to do something immediately? Go through your clothing, pull out items you don’t wear anymore, and donate them to a non-profit like Dress for Success or the Salvation Army.
  1. Resolve to try something new. Make a commitment to be open to new experiences. Research has shown that new experiences make people happier, so visit a local museum, plan a road trip to a new town or try a new recipe. Set a goal to try something new at least once a month. Before you know it, you’ll have an entire year’s worth of new experiences.
  1. Resolve to get more sleep. Between work, a never ending to-do list and caring for your family, it can be hard to make sure you are a getting the proper amount of sleep every night. But prioritizing shut-eye doesn’t just increase your productivity throughout the day, it also improves your memory, helps you live longer and makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight! Try cutting back on your caffeine intake four to six hours before bed, eating a lighter dinner and turning off all electronics an hour before bedtime.
What other resolutions are you considering? Tell us in the comments below.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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