MI Big Show
Hygge: The Simple Philosophy That Will Make You Love Winter
Why do Danish people tend to rank higher in happiness? It just might have to do with hygge, their philosophy that’s all about coziness and self-care.
Stopping the “Summer Slide”
Kids lose up to two months of education in the summer months. Use these tricks to keep them sharp all summer long.
Men's Health Month: Men Have Body Image Issues Too
Men worry about their appearance more than you think. Learn how to improve body image and get rid of negative thoughts once and for all.
Finding Relief: Who to Talk to When Allergies Strike
Learn how to spot the telltale signs of a new allergy’s development and where to go to receive qualified care and advice.
Small Daily Food Swaps Can Net Huge Results
Swapping out your morning caffeine source and afternoon snack for healthier options are two of the many tweaks you can make to your diet.
5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Preschooler Healthy
Keeping your preschooler healthy can be difficult. Check out these simple reminders to help strengthen their immune system and teach healthy habits.
Stay Safe Michigan! How to Drive on Winter Roads
Preparing and knowing how to handle an emergency are two of the most important things you can do before getting behind the wheel in the winter.
The Upper Peninsula’s Eben Ice Caves: Winter Hiking 101
Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is full of surprises, including winter ice caves. Get helpful tips on how to hike properly in the winter.
5 Things to Do Every Day to Keep Your Memory Sharp
Keep your memory sharp as you get older by incorporating these simple habits into your everyday life.
The Story Behind a Festive Michigan Favorite: Paczki Day
Knowing the history of Michigan’s beloved Paczki Day will make this year’s celebration even sweeter.
Celebrate MLK Jr. Day Virtually this Year
Ways to honor and celebrate the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. around the state.
5 Healthy Habits You Can Learn From Your Dog
Your dog might slobber and snore, but it also lives a pretty healthy life. Here’s how to find inspiration from your pup to live your healthiest life.
Foolproof Ways to Work Out in the Morning
Research shows working out in the morning reinforces a healthy schedule. Read up on tricks that fitness buffs swear by to get you out of bed and into the gym.
5 Steps to Boost Your Child’s Confidence
By encouraging independence at a young age, you’ll shape your child’s personality and confidence. These 5 tips can help your child become more independent.
Ride On: Biking and Cycling Tips as You Age
Cycling is growing in popularity among older adults, but biking-related accidents are also on the rise. Here’s how to stay safe on two wheels.
Making Sure Back-to-School Lunches Keep Their Cool
Packing your kid’s lunch for school is a way to save money and keep lunch healthy. These safety tips will make sure the food stays good until lunchtime.
Staying Positive in the Face of Negative Headlines
Overwhelming news stories and stats can quickly put us in a funk. Finding joy in the everyday can help.
Is Slowing Down the Secret to a Good Workout?
Find out why this low-intensity workout approach is perfect for both beginners and experienced fitness aficionados.
Target All Five Senses to Feel Super Creative at Work
A few tweaks to your workspace can make 9-to-5 your most creative and productive time of the day.
Three Places To View Michigan’s Northern Lights
The Northern Lights are tricky to plan for and often unpredictable. Here are some tips and a few of the best places to view them in Michigan.
How Yoga Breathing Can Reduce Your Stress Level
Stress is usually part of your daily routine. However, incorporating yoga and different types of breathing into your daily routine can help lower your stress.
Grow Your Garden Without Aches and Pains
Spending time in a garden is good for your physical and mental health–you just have to be careful you don’t overdo it.
4 Bike Safety Tips to Keep Kids Safe
Follow these four simple tips to keep your little ones safe this bike riding season.
What You Can Do Now to Prepare for Spring Allergies
Why wait until you’re miserable to fight allergies? Simple steps taken in advance can make a world of difference.
Your Voice, Your Choice: Why Voting is Good for Your Health
Beyond the mere satisfaction you may receive from helping select the next president, voting also has some surprising health benefits.
High-Tech Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy
Check out these apps that will help you keep track of your heart health.
The Best Exercises for Your Heart
It seems easy to “stay active” for your heart health, but what does that really mean? We break down some exercises that can keep your heart healthy.
Do You Make These Mistakes When Setting Goals?
Coming up with a goal is one thing, sticking to it is something else. Here are the top mistakes people make with their resolutions so you know to avoid them.
The Breast Cancer Few People Talk About
When you hear about a breast cancer diagnosis, it’s natural to assume it’s a woman who is dealing with the news. But breast cancer can also happen to men.
Why Safe Routes to Schools Matter
In this guest post from Ty Schmidt, executive director of Traverse City-based non-profit organization Norte, learn why walkable communities are good for health.
10 Festivals that Celebrate Michigan Food
Unleash your inner foodie at these ten festivals across the state celebrating unique Michigan agricultural crops and products.
Mushroom Time: Your Michigan Morel Hunting Guide
With warmer temperatures, searching for the tasty fungi is a great way to get outdoors and take in a beautiful spring day.
Why Everyone Needs a Creative Outlet
There's a connection between creative pursuits and your mental and physical health. Find out why you should take up a creative hobby today.
52 Little Habits That Will Help You Create an Amazing 2019
The new year is a great time to renew your commitment to a healthy mind, body and spirit. Here are little tweaks to do just that.
How to Eat a Pomegranate (and Why You Should)
Uncertainty over how to actually eat pomegranates makes many people afraid to buy them. Let this be your guide.
Apps and Food Storage Tips to Organize Your Fridge
Staying on top of fridge organization and meal prepping can sometimes fall to the bottom of your to-do list. Here are some kitchen hacks to make life easier.
Riding a Trend: Tips for Using Electric Scooters
With electric scooters popping up in cities across the country, including Detroit, we decided to scoot out of the office on a lunch break to give them a try.
When “Boo!” Becomes “Boo-Hoo”
Before you take your kids to the haunted house or watch a scary movie together, make sure they're emotionally equipped to handle it.
Michigan November Bucket List: 10 Ways to Embrace the Season
Embrace the fall season by trying some of these fun Michigan activities for November!
New College Grads: Prepare for Retirement Today
Going through your college years and saving money can be hard, but here's why it is so important for your future.
Halloween Costumes: Dress Up For Spooky-Yet-Safe Fun
Make this Halloween a spooky yet safe experience for your children and their costumes
Healthy & Fun Ways to Support Breast Cancer Awareness in Michigan
October has become synonymous with breast cancer awareness, and all month long you can find events to support the cause happening all around the Mitten State.
Is Fear of Failure Making You Procrastinate?
What really causes people to procrastinate? It might be a fear of failure or anxiety. Read on for tips to cope.
Unplug to Recharge
The overuse of smart devices could have a negative impact on both mental and physical health.
Michigan’s Most Dangerous Plants: Q&A with a DNR Expert
Spending your time outside and in nature can have a great impact on your mental and physical wellbeing. To stay safe while exploring, understand what types of dangerous plants and insects to keep an eye out for.
Moon Milk: The Bedtime Drink to Help You Fall Asleep
Cozy up with a glass of warm Moon Milk to help you with insomnia and sleeplessness.
Moonlight Yoga Returns to the Detroit Riverfront
Check out this unique yoga experience along the Detroit Riverfront!
Honey Roasted Cherries and Cheese Toast
Michigan is the leading producer of tart cherries in the United States. Support your fellow Michiganders and use cherries for this delicious breakfast or snack!
Across the Straits: The Iconic Mackinac Bridge
The Mighty Mac turns 60 in 2017. Find out what it took to cross the Straits of Mackinac before the bridge’s opening in 1957.
How Multiple Concussions Have Permanently Changed my Life
When we start to take brain injury seriously, we can prevent the everlasting impact my injuries have left me with for the rest of my life.
Red, White and Blue Fruit and Cheese Appetizer
Going to a Fourth of July party and don't know what to bring? These simple appetizers are perfect for when you're rushing out the door.
The Rise of Mosquito-Borne Illnesses in the United States
In the U.S., mosquito-borne illnesses are on the rise and are not showing signs of letting up. Use this guide to help protect your family against these diseases.
New Floating Playgrounds for Your Next Family Day Trip
Three state parks have taken the term “playground” to a new level … sea level! Learn how these destinations will ensure fun for all ages this summer.
Tales from the Trail: Favorite Michigan Hikes
There is something about “unplugging” from busy day-to-day lives and then recharging in the Michigan backcountry.
Getting Past the Post-Grad Blues
Post-graduation can be the most stressful time of your career, but here are some excellent tips to stay on track.
Fitness Trackers for Children: A Good or Bad Idea?
Fans of fitness trackers may be interested in getting one for everyone in the family. Here’s what you need to know before you buy.
Training in Michigan Helped Desiree Linden Win Boston
Desiree Linden said training through part of a nasty Michigan winter helped her tackle brutal conditions on race day to win the 2018 Boston Marathon. “This is a great running state. People get running here,” she said.
A Day in the Life: Are You as Fit as Your Mail Carrier?
In all kinds of weather, postal carriers need to be physically fit to perform their job duties. Find out how one Grand Rapids carrier does it.
3 Ways to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo Across Michigan
Understand the history behind one of our country’s most popular celebrations, and add one of these events to your holiday calendar.
Ways To Spring Clean Your Morning Routine
Refresh your morning routine with these tips that will set you up to seize the day!
Holland Tulip Time Festival to Feature Yoga in the Tulips
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is proud to partner with Tulip Time to bring the community a series of special yoga events this May.
Michigan April Bucket List: 10 Ways to Refresh and Explore
Make April amazing with these fun ideas to refresh your space, explore your state, and nourish yourself with healthy foods and good-for-you moves.
Baseball is Back! Where to Find Healthy Food in Comerica Park
The Detroit Tigers stadium is full of surprisingly healthy fare–you just have to know where to look.
Traveling Across Time Zones? How To Fight Jet Lag
Avoid jet leg to enjoy your vacation starting with your flight!
Butterflies are Blooming at GR’s Meijer Gardens
Find out how the more than 7,000 tropical butterflies that call Frederik Meijer Gardens home in March and April make the journey to West Michigan.
Tips for Beating the Afternoon Slump—No Caffeine Required
Coffee isn’t the only way to get the pick-me-up you need to get you through the day.
The Truth Behind Brain Games: Do They Really Work?
There is a growing market for games that supposedly improve your brain’s function. But before you buy one, there are some things you should know.
Michigan March Bucket List: 10 Ideas to Usher in a New Season
Hello, March! This month, welcome spring by greening up your home and yard, planning a close-to-home vacation, taking a hike and more.
5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Long Runs
Training for a longer-distance race? A veteran coach shares his tips to make your weekly long runs count.
Team Up With Your Partner for a Heart-Healthy Valentine’s Day
Wellness may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Valentine’s Day, but it’s a great day to prioritize your heart health.
Make a Splash at Michigan’s Indoor Water Parks
Michigan is beautiful, but beach season is short. If you’re craving warmth and water, you’re only a road trip away from one of these indoor water parks.
Tired of Tacos? Remix Your Family Favorite With These Recipes
Make the most of your taco night with these different taco inspired recipes.
Easy Ways to Keep the Air in Your Home Clean
Cleaning the air you breathe is a top wellness trend of 2018. Here’s how to start keeping your air clean today.
Feeling Sad the Holidays Are Over? Try These Awesome Michigan Activities
These five winter-only activities will get you out of the house and having fun.
Love Researching Symptoms Online? Avoid Self-Diagnosing Into the ER
Self-diagnosis is unavoidable thanks to all of the online sources available for symptoms. Here’s when to go to the ER and when to get help somewhere else.
Want to Sleep Better? 6 Daytime Dos and Don’ts
These quick and easy fixes will have you sleeping better at night and leave you feeling energized during the day.
Lansing Overpass Gets New Life as #Penn4People Mural
Lansing community members proudly painted a new mural, #Penn4People, in partnership with Lansing Economic Area Partnership.
Do You Really Know the Germiest Spots in Your House?
Prepare to get grossed out. Here are the spots in your home that hold on to the most germs.
Beyond the Pumpkin Patch: Fall and Halloween Activities to Explore Across Michigan
Michigan offers many unique excursions during the fall and Halloween season. Try one of these suggestions!
6 Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling
These six tips can help keep you and your family healthy while on vacation.
College Students: Get to Know Your Health Plan
Many Millennials don’t understand how health insurance works, where to apply or what’s available to them. Become educated on how to obtain and receive care.
Mexican Stuffed Bell Peppers
This recipe is great for an easy dinner or leftover lunch. Prepare the ingredients ahead of time and pop the peppers in the oven after a busy day.
Annoying Co-Workers? Tips to Help You Cope
Sometimes you can’t get along with everyone, but there are ways to deal with pesky co-workers.
Back to School: 7 Steps to a Better Bedtime Routine
Summer is coming to an end, which means it’s time to get serious about bedtime. Here’s how to make the transition smooth for everyone.
3 Points to Consider When Choosing the Right Therapist for You
Advice from a therapist on choosing the right therapist.
New Suites, Renovations Greet Guests for Grand Hotel’s 130th Season
Staying at the Grand Hotel this summer? You’ll notice updated and refreshed spaces that welcome guests to the storied hotel’s 130th season.
The Risks and Rewards of Marathons: Read Before You Start Training
Running a marathon isn’t easy. Here’s how to stay injury-free every time you lace up your tennis shoes.
A Healthier Twist on a Restaurant Favorite: Mexican Pizza with Cauliflower Crust
One cheese pizza slice contains about 175 calories, and 30 grams of carbs. Try this healthier twist on traditional restaurant pizza.
#MIKidsCan Champion of the Month: Caleb Neubecker
Meet the Blue Cross Blue Shield #MIKidsCan Champion of the month, Caleb Neubecker of Mount Pleasant, Michigan.
Are You a Picky Eater? Here’s How to Learn to Love New Food
It’s easier than you think to expand your palate and start trying and liking new healthy foods. Here’s how to do it.
Why Hiking to Marquette’s Black Rocks is Worth It
Every season is the right season to explore the Black Rocks at Marquette’s Presque Isle Park.
Trendy Health Buzzwords: What Do They Really Mean?
Don’t get confused by all the healthy eating buzzwords floating around—this cheat sheet breaks them all down for you.
Nine Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half
Staying on budget when grocery shopping is no easy task. Keep these nine tips in mind next time you’re walking through the aisles.
The Dilemma Posed by E-Cigarettes
New research about e-cigarettes might surprise you. Blue Care Network senior medical director Dr. Duane DiFranco helps break down the results of a new study.
Why Exercise is Still Important for Weight Loss
You can’t outrun a bad diet, so the saying goes. However, healthy weight loss should definitely still include exercise.
Prepare Your Kids for Success in Sports
With a little preparation, you can make sure your kids fall in love with sports and feel good about themselves.
Idea We Love: Doctors Prescribing Parks
Read about why park prescriptions could be coming to a doctor’s office near you.
#MIKidsCan: Teach Your Kids to Deal with Criticism
As a parent, it’s important to teach your kids how to deal with criticism–both negative and positive. Here’s how to do just that.
Why Your Doctor Might Ask About Your Mood At Your Next Visit
Untreated depression not only can decrease quality of life, but can also affect the well-being of friends and family. Learn more about how your doctor can help.
The Health Advice Your Parents Probably Got Wrong
Think snacking and swimming don’t mix? There’s no scientific evidence to stop you. Learn about this and other unoffical rules you can skip.