Food, nutrition, recipes and more for healthy living.

Slow Cooker Thai Chicken Soup

1 min read

chicken lentil
Winter is the perfect time to get re-acquainted with your slow cooker. You can spend the long nights making hearty soups and stews that are both healthy and comforting.
Soup can be prepared in various ways; with vegetables, meat, chicken or even legumes and rice. The way soup is prepared helps preserve the nutritional value in the broth even after cooking, often making it high in vitamins, minerals and protein.
This soup offers good nutrition and a unique, delicious flavor profile. The set-and-forget nature of slow cooker recipes makes this a great meal for busy days or weeks. The combination of herbs and spices used in Thai dishes also have disease fighting and immune system boosting properties.
Like this recipe? Here are some more slow cooker meals to try:
Photo credit: A Healthier Michigan

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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