10 Mexican Meals Under 300 Calories

2 min read

I love Mexican food, but the options on the menu aren’t always the healthiest. Items like chips, rice and margaritas can all add empty calories, with not many nutrients.

Avoid Extra Calories

If you like sour cream and guacamole, keep in mind that these contain lots of calories. Using a low-fat or fat-free sour cream is a great substitute, and without all the calories. About a 1/4 cup of guacamole has 91 calories and 8.4 grams of fat. This is unsaturated fat, or the good fat that helps with heart health by lowering cholesterol.
Black beans are a healthy side choice, too. They are high in fiber and protein. Although these are healthy choices, always remember to eat in moderation.

Go For A Healthy Appetizer

Try this healthier version of the usual chips. You can use any whole wheat, healthy wrap that you like. Also, most salsa recipes are typically low in calories because they are loaded with veggies – so eat up.
Check out these 9 margarita recipes for fewer than 300 calories. Remember to drink responsibly.
Here are some main course ideas:
I found these great recipes from EatingWell.com. They provide nutritional content and serving size for each recipe. Don’t forget to be conscious of the serving size.
Do you have a healthy Mexican recipe? If so, please share it with us here.
Photo credit: Gangway Advertising

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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