A storyteller and editor by trade, I love creating and sharing helpful, informative content. I'm happily married and have two smart, funny daughters. Impromptu dance parties and glitter are an everyday reality. Running and reading are my go-to stress relievers and I really want to like yoga someday.
What Does A Healthy Workspace Look Like?
2 min read

Whether you’re in a cubicle, using a shared workspace or have your own office, there are plenty of ways to create an environment that’s comfortable, cozy and healthy all at once. By reducing clutter and creating a supportive workspace for yourself, you’re one step closer to a better workday, every day.
Here are a few things to add to your workspace to make it healthier for you and your co-workers:
Plants– Even a small plant can act as a natural purifier for the air around you. Consider a peppermint or lemon balm plant for your desk. They’re said to stimulate the brain and are easy to take care of.
Lamps– A happy light or dim lamp can make other harsh lighting (such as your phone, computer or overhead lighting) seem less bright and reduce your eye strain in the long run.
Timers– Use a traditional kitchen timer or phone timer to get up and move every so often. Students and employees swear by the 50/10 rule: get work done for fifty minutes and then take a ten minute break.
Better chairs- Investigate a support beam for the back of an unforgiving desk chair, or ask if you can use an exercise ball chair for better posture.
Art or phrases- Find a picture or quote you love and dedicate a portion of your desk to it. If nothing else, it could make you smile throughout the day.
Nutritious snacks- Nonperishable foods like nuts, dried fruit or dry cereal make great snacks in a pinch and can provide mid-afternoon boost to your metabolism.
Healthy headphones and headsets- Audio devices that are ergonomic and won’t damage your hearing are key for good health. They can make all the difference for day-to-day use and listening abilities.
Photo credit: Death to the Stock Photo
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