Fall Couch Potato Health Hacks
2 min read

In the midst of the change in season, it’s easy to ditch your healthy summer lifestyle for cozy options come cooler temperatures. Fall brings your favorite TV series and your sports team back on the big screen, which provides many opportunities for you to become a couch potato. That’s why we’re providing you with our “Fall Couch Potato Health Hacks,” to give you some healthy options, recipes and motivation to keep your healthy habits going all year long.
Healthy Alternatives
Tailgates and football parties are a fun fall activity that is a favorite in Michigan. Your first instinct when attending your friend’s football viewing party may be, “I’m going to bring chips and dip!” Instead, opt for a healthy alternative that won’t weigh you down:
Our cardio, lower body, core and upper body workouts give you something to do during commercials instead of flipping through channels. While you’re watching your next TV show, get off the couch and keep your body moving with these exercises. Even better, do yoga with one of our favorite instructors by watching this video: Yoga for Couch Potatoes.
Sign-up for a Race
Don’t stop there! Keep your summer fitness goals going by signing up for a fall run. Seeing the gorgeous views of Michigan colors on a run are a perfect way to soak in the season, so check out this fall race roundup. If you’re interested in personalized health and wellness content, creating goals for yourself and receiving support from others, sign up for our member program, Healthy Me!
For more tips on keeping your fitness routines fresh, check out these other blogs: