Water Infusion: Cantaloupe, Raspberry and Mint
Registered Dietician
| 1 min read
As we age, we become more susceptible to dehydration. Water contributes to many of the human body’s most important functions, so it is important stay hydrated and healthy.
Some ways to stay hydrated include:
- Drink between each meal
- Mark a water bottle with specific times to drink a certain amount of water before that time
- Infuse water with fruit, herbs or cucumber to improve taste.
This combination or fruit and herbs is a refreshing and tasty way to stay hydrated. Most berries are in season in Michigan from the middle of July until early Fall, making them easily accessible and can come right from your own garden.
One cup of balled cantaloupe contains over 100 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. Cantaloupe also is made up of almost 90 percent water. After drinking the water, eating the fruit alone can help you stay hydrated as well.
Photo credit: A Healthier Michigan