Which Side of the Bed Do You Wake Up On? It’s Your Choice
3 min read

Do you ever wake up with an attitude? If you’re anything like the rest of the human population, you’re already nodding your head yes. Hey, it’s just part of life. But I do find it funny because you probably immediately assumed that I was referring to a negative attitude… but I’m not. I’m referring to an optimistic attitude of “I can take on the world today, I’m ready!”
Oh come on, you’ve awakened with that attitude a few times in your past; but I’m sure that you’ve also awakened with one quite the opposite: “Ugh, another day. I want to just stay in bed and hide.” Yep, I’ve been there too, we all have. Again, it’s just part of life.
The World is Not Against You
The thing is, I really try to wake up with a positive attitude. Please don’t tell me that I can’t control it; I can. It’s my decision to do so, basically in the same way I made the decision to walk off my weight.
It’s my choice and I chose not to wake up thinking that the world is against me, that nothing is going right and that there isn’t enough time in a day to conquer everything that I need to. I could, but I don’t.
I find that life goes much better if I wake up each day knowing that I have everything I need, including my good health… my life. The world is not against me; I may have challenges but I have the ability, the strength and the creativity to handle them. During a 24-hour day, some things go right and some things go wrong… or did they? Maybe they were supposed to go the way they did. And as far as having enough time in a day to conquer everything? There’s always tomorrow, if I’m lucky. So far, I have been. And so have you.
This is how having a positive attitude helped me walk off my weight. I did not tell myself that I wouldn’t shed any pounds. I didn’t feel sorry for myself thinking that I was the only one in the world who had to exercise while everyone else sat inside on their couch to watch television. I didn’t feel that I was ignoring important tasks and chores while strolling down the road.
I walked with an attitude, a positive sassy “I’m doing this and nobody is stopping me!” attitude. I looked forward to my daily 22-minute walks, and no, I didn’t dread them a bit! I knew I would shed my excess pounds; yes, I knew it! I felt lucky to be able to be able to physically walk… some people would give anything to do so. I told myself that the tasks and chores would wait until my walk was complete, and they did.
“Don’t dread it, just shed it!”
That little phrase and positive, sassy attitude allowed me to shed 162 pounds. Now it’s time for you to make the decision to have a positive sassy attitude also. I’m telling you that this attitude truly works. Don’t knock it until you try it. It took me 25 years to get it. I didn’t lose any weight until I did.
Say these simple words: “Don’t dread it, just shed it!”a few times and you’ll see what I mean. Then get out there and walk with a positive, sassy attitude!
Need help doing so? That’s why I’m here. Let me know and I’ll get you going, I promise!
Photo by Ozute.