Jodi Davis


Are Your Beliefs About Weight Loss Holding You Back From Better Health?

People love to give helpful advice … but when it comes to weight loss, the majority of the advice is not accurate. I found this to be true during and even

weight loss

Stop Trying to Climb the New Year’s Resolution Mountain; Climb the Smaller Hills Instead

If you make your resolution easier to follow, you’ll have a better chance to stay on track. Here’s how to rethink your goals.

tackle realistic new years resolutions

Treat yourself to a gift that “keeps on giving” in more ways than one

I can’t stop thinking about the gym – I am hooked! While that may seem totally normal for some, wanting to get to the gym have never been the norm for me… well…

Weights Gym
Food and Recipes

You don’t need to be perfect when you live a healthier lifestyle!

How many times have you told yourself that you really need to start living healthier? It’s a common thought that a lot of people have. But oftentimes it ends…


A healthy way to allow wishes to come true for those who need them

If I approached you with an idea that assisted in granting a terminally ill child their biggest wish, most likely you’d want to hear more about it.

Edward Gaines FORD Motor 2013

“Because of you …” The 170 pound weight-loss that created that statement

Today’s post is special to me. It’s about helping someone; in fact, it is more about changing a person’s life. If a person fell into deep water…

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A reminder of just how good walking is for our health

“Sometimes we all need a simple reminder of just how good walking is for our health." That was one of the comments made to me by an individual I met during a…

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How to see the positive in a negative situation: Rebecca’s story.

Sometimes it’s difficult to see the positive in a negative situation, but it can be done. Just how do I know that? Because I recently witnessed it and it made…


Are you paying attention to the obesity epidemic numbers? You should be

I think the time has arrived when we really need to start paying more attention to some very important numbers in this country specifically the obesity epidemic…

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It’s time to proclaim “I am worth it!”

“I AM worth it!” It's such a profound statement, I can’t say it without getting a little choked up. I have not always believed those four words.


Are you consuming more calories after your workout than you think?

The more I work out at the gym, the more I want to go. A brisk daily walk is just as rewarding; after all, it has been part of my routine since January 2001.

Food and Recipes

Do calories still count if nobody sees me eating them?

A few days earlier at the gym this week I overheard a phone conversation that many dieting men and women have found themselves in at one point.


When I dance, does that mean I am exercising?

I like to dance, which is why Zumba feels more like a party to me than a work out. Dancing is an activity that I’ve always enjoyed and continue to enjoy today.

Food and Recipes

How far do you have to run to burn off a cheeseburger?

How can you burn food without cooking it? That was just one of the many questions that were asked of the participants of an HBO documentary film titled “The…


Zumba: more like a party than a workout!

Dancing. I love it. But what I love even more is that there have been reports suggesting that dance is effective in improving self-esteem and reducing stress.


It’s never too late to ‘Just Do It’

“Just Do It.” A a slogan most of us are familiar with, and understandably so. These three words have been a trademark of Nike Inc. since 1988, which means we'


When it’s my time to blow off steam, I cool off at the gym

Going to the gym is not for me during the hot summer months. I like to receive my daily dose of physical activity by taking a 1.5 mile brisk walk in my…


If my life were a series of books, the third will be the best yet!

On January, 22, 2001, I began viewing my life as a series of books. Starting a new book meant that I had to allow myself to turn the final page of the last…


What is your opinion of the new “healthy” Barbie doll?

When I heard the news that the original “perfect” Barbie doll was being redesigned to resemble a doll with a typical and normal appearance, my first thought was…


“Tell us how you move!” campaign has logged 64,000 miles of movement

Tell me how you move! Yes, I’m always interested in knowing which activities you enjoy in order to stay physically active. I'm not the only one who is…

Be Healthy Berrien logo

In a pickle for a new workout? Have you tried Pickleball?

I’m always open to new ways to incorporate exercise into my life, so during a recent gathering of my close friends, we started talking about new ways to get…

Food and Recipes

The day a stack of watermelons represented part of my weight loss

I will never forget the first time I appeared with Joy Bauer on NBC’s “Today” show. Joy is the long-time diet and nutrition expert on the show who also hosts…


Enjoying the sand under my feet hasn’t always been easy

When is the last time you visited the beach? Building a sand castle, taking a walk along the water's edge, climbing a sand dune, playing a game of beach…


10-minute exercise ideas you can do in the busy summer months

Summers can be busy, but your health shouldn't be sacrificed because of it. Here are some quick exercise ideas.

Group of friends exercising outdoors in a park on a sunny day. They are doing jumping jacks.

No more thick winter coats to hide my waistline

I love the sunshine and the higher temperatures, but I’ve found that my clothes do not. Why? Because less cloth and material to cover my body allows for the…


Is your health a little daily extra that you still try to ignore?

Most of us lead very busy lives. As soon as the alarm goes off, our mind begins to churn with all the things that we need to get accomplished before the next…

Food and Recipes

Learning to control your food addiction

I like to eat, which is not uncommon I suppose. In fact, I know that I've had an addiction to food for the majority of my life. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever…


Do you believe in your ability to do the work it takes to lose weight?

Recently our small community has been holding a ‘walking night.’ People are invited to meet at a local business once a week and then we all walk about 2.25…

Home and Family

A family of four decided to end the diets, committed to a healthier lifestyle and the pounds fell off!

A person making a change towards a healthier lifestyle is often a very big step; making this same change for the entire family can even be bigger. Bigger, true …

Food and Recipes

Two healthy recipes that will help create your healthier tomorrow

People throughout Michigan are making changes towards better health, I seem to be witnessing it wherever I go. They are taking the initiative to get outdoors to…


Is the word exercise a dirty word to you? You’re not alone

Sometimes I look back at my past and wonder how I convinced myself to believe something that was not logical. For over two decades I felt that many of the…


Slightly less food and slightly more movement is one formula for weight loss success

Ask any person who has lost weight successfully how they did it and you will see a smile that can light up any room. That is exactly what happened when I met…


Get back into the swing of spring by starting up a new exercise routine!

With spring in the air, it seems as though people everywhere are getting the urge to get back in the swing of things with a new exercise routine.


Translating calories into walking distance is an idea whose time has come

Did you know that you have to walk the entire length of a football field in order to burn off a single plain M&M chocolate candy? When I tell people that…


“Fat bashing” doesn’t make matters any better, it often makes them worse

Does this letter sound familiar to anyone out there? I know it is to me. It’s almost like I wrote this letter myself twenty-some years ago: “Today I was faced…


You can lead … but you can’t make a person lose weight

The metaphor, "You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink," makes perfect sense. Favorable circumstances, no matter how well intended…


Water provides all – from big to small – with healthy blessings

“When you’re trying to make changes in your lifestyle it tends to be easier to take several small steps instead of attempting big ones.


The life you hoped to save by donating blood could end up being your own

When you give blood, you’re well aware that there’s a chance that you could be helping save someone’s life. Typically 1 in 3 people will need blood in their…


Berrien County striving towards one million miles of movement

When people come together and work as a team great things can happen. It gets even greater when a team consists of folks who live in neighboring communities…


Can you imagine a new generation of health conscious kids?

Wouldn’t it be fabulous to witness a new generation of health conscious kids slowly but surely reducing the obesity epidemic in this country?

Home and Family

Helping your kids end their junk food habit by changing your shopping habits

If you think it's difficult to break the habit of buying junk food items such as chips, cookies, donuts, etc. just think how difficult it is to break the habit…


How cover girl Kate Upton inspires us to live healthy

It’s no secret that the 20 year-old model Kate Upton is beautiful. She adorns the cover of Sports Illustrated again this year. We all are pretty proud of this…


Keeping dogs healthy and happy has surprising benefits for their humans

Taking a dog for a walk. It’s a simple act which doesn’t require much except a dog, a leash and a caring individual to lead the dog – or maybe the other way…


A gym that does not judge is a gym for every body

I have been listening to countless individuals in my neck of the woods inform me recently that they are having a great time at a place where they never expected.


‘You’re not telling me what to do, it’s my body and not yours!’ Sound familiar?

I’m not quite sure if I inherited this trait or not, but I simply have never liked being told what to do. Maybe this is more common than I realize because for…


Events like Lansing’s Winter Warm-Up help build healthier communities

We really do live among some amazing people here in Michigan, I can vouch for that! People who promote increasing daily physical activity levels and better…


Knowledge is one thing, but only real change changes things

Nothing feels better than to curl up with a good book next to a cozy fire. These past few days have allowed me to slow down and enjoy the comforts of winter…


Sign up for “MI Healthier Tomorrow” and create your own healthier tomorrow today

Everyone realizes that there is an obesity epidemic in this country. Yet when I recently learned that Michigan is now considered the fifth-heaviest state in the…

Home and Family

Friction within a mixed-weight relationship can diminish with a supportive partner

It struck a nerve with me when I heard the phrase, "mixed-weight couple” used on television the other day. A mixed-weight couple is when one partner is…


How to squeeze in a workout four minutes at a time

Committing to a workout routine can be tough, but thise one only takes four minutes!

Road to success,running on road with sports shoes,healthy lifestyle sports woman running, female legs with sneakers jogging in evening

I love exercise and I love it when people discover they love it too!

I love to exercise and I love it when others discover that they love it too! Okay, so that’s a whole lotta love, but I can’t help it … exercise and love just…


Will a healthy work environment lead to healthy employees? You bet it will

I’m sure you will agree with me, it is wonderful to work in a healthy environment instead of an unhealthy one. I know what it’s like to work in an unhealthy…

Food and Recipes

Would you be proud of the food in your grocery cart if your doctor peeked inside?

I usually enjoy all types of shopping, it’s fun for me, but lately I have been getting a bit upset when grocery shopping. What disturbs me doesn'

Food and Recipes

Ditch the diets and embrace your healthy curves

It was almost as though I was listening to myself speak as I heard the familiar words coming from my television. I talk about “ditching the diet” whenever asked…


How replacing two letters of one word helped me get real about losing weight

Lately, people have been telling me they want to lose weight but when they tell me, it’s not told to me in the same cheery way as if this person wanted a new…


Your determination to reach a weight-loss goal is key to success

When I’m asked for advice regarding successful weight loss, I find it difficult to pinpoint one particular factor to focus on, although determination to achieve…


How I learned to stifle the voice of doubt that kept me from being healthy

After twenty-five years of trying to lose weight, I definitely learned a few things about what works and what doesn’t. The information I gathered over that time…


Flipping my reality switch on to lose weight

Growing up overweight was not always easy. Looking back, I can understand why I created so many different coping mechanisms, like convincing myself that all of…


Is your weight-loss goal too big for you to achieve?

We made it to another year, giving us a fresh 52 weeks to achieve many of the goals we've recently set. Some goals may be ones that have been attempted in the…


Before you make a weight loss resolution, take some advice from someone who knows

With the New Year approaching, it seems that weight loss advice is pouring in from all directions. I suppose it is only natural for talk shows and television…


The holiday food hangover can be alleviated as you get back on track today!

After a long day of overindulging on everything from candy canes to candied ham, you are most likely waking up with a food hangover. If that sounds familiar to…


Looking for the perfect way to unwind from holiday shopping?

Holiday shopping can take a toll on your body. Many of us will find ourselves exhausted from last-minute holiday shopping which tends to create stress that…


Pay it forward for some extra holiday cheer

I’ve come to realize that there are many times when we consider paying it forward, maybe even had full intention of following through with it…

Food and Recipes

Holiday cut-out cookie recipes for the calorie conscience

During the holiday season it’s inevitable that you will be tempted by a few delicious goodies. When the temptation occurs, I allow myself to indulge in a…


Is Santa so jolly because he’s in good health?

Have you ever stopped to wonder why it is that Santa Claus is so jolly? My conclusion is quite simple. Santa works one day a year with the singular task of…


Max the dog from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” changed my life

It’s funny but I can’t get through the holiday season without watching one of my favorite Christmas classics, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” I am not much of…

Food and Recipes

Snacks for holiday shoppers that won’t add extra baggage

The holiday shopping season can be a complete nightmare for those who are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Rushing around to take care of the holiday to…


For a healthy holiday season, consider the gift of a gym membership

During the holidays it just feels good to give a person a creative gift, one that you assume they’ll enjoy and appreciate. But the key word here is “assume.”…

Food and Recipes

2 low-fat eggnog recipes that are simple and delicious

With the holiday season upon us, you expect to see cartons of eggnog filling up the dairy aisle at your local grocery store. It’s difficult to pass up this…


Yoga allowed disabled vet to shed 140 lbs in 10 months

Disabled veteran Arthur Boorman was informed by his doctors that he would never walk again. Because of extreme injuries that he suffered from the impact of…


Arming you with the cure for tight-jeans syndrome

If you are feeling a bit remorseful today due to the overindulgence the recent holiday feasting, don’t fret! You may be encountering what I call the “tight…


How I avoid gaining weight over the Thanksgiving holiday

Soon an elaborate Thanksgiving meal fit for a king will be sitting upon a beautifully decorated table. People will feast on everything from turkey to pumpkin…


Walking toward a new family Thanksgiving tradition

Following a family tradition is common during the holiday season and Thanksgiving is no exception. From who carves the bird to which wine is served…


Reduce your daily stress by “Whistling While You Work” today!

Today I have one goal in mind: to help keep your stress level at a minimum. Sounds good doesn’t it? I don’t know about you, but music helps me keep my stress…

Food and Recipes

Guilt-free healthy, holiday dessert recipes to complete your Thanksgiving feast

Finding ways to help people focus on becoming healthier from the inside out is gratifying for me. With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I find that it’s often…

Yogurt Berry Pie

Reduce your size and WALKercise!

Every time I attend a health fair, like the one at Western Michigan University last week, I seem to learn something new about building a healthy lifestyle.

Food and Recipes

How much weight can you lose by ending your pop addiction?

“I couldn’t believe that I would lose this much weight just from ending my pop addiction. I’ve lost almost 35 pounds over the last six months and honestly…


Can dog ownership help lower the childhood obesity rates in America?

Dogs are recognized as man’s best friend, but did you know that they may also have a very special role when it comes to the children in your family?


Turning shop ’till you drop to drop while you shop!

If you’re wanting to drop a few pounds for the holidays, you do not need to go on a diet. I'm sure you've heard the phrase shop till you drop, right?

Food and Recipes

Fast-food breakfast sandwiches can negatively impact your heart before your next meal

In this fast paced world, it’s quite common to leave the house in the morning without eating breakfast. Millions of people do it. There are countless tasks that…

Food and Recipes

Fun Halloween Party Platters “in costume” – delicious produce in disguise!

Halloween to me means pumpkins, disguises and of course, candy. The pumpkins and disguises are great, but as far as the candy goes … I could take it or leave it.

Food and Recipes

How to cook pumpkin seeds, one of the most nutritious Halloween treats you can eat!

For the next few days millions of Americans will be carving out the family’s Halloween pumpkins. The end result is a delightful, whimsical or spooky jack-o…


Does “Size-12 Stella” help spread message of body acceptance?

Watching 18-year old Stella Boonshoft explain the reasons why she took a photo of herself in her underwear and then posted that image online was a bit emotional…


It is possible to shed pounds and become healthier from your wheelchair!

Walking is my passion. I do it every day and enjoy every single step that I take. Walking allowed me to lose over 160 pounds and has permitted me to keep the…


Creative solutions for staying on track to hit your weight-loss goals

Have you ever noticed that a common trait among those who have recently discovered that they enjoy healthy living? I feel it’s the ability to be creative.


Trying to shed a few pounds? The cold weather can help you lose weight faster!

Have you walked yet today? If not, I just have that feeling that you’ll want to … soon! Now we all know that walking is good for you. A brisk-paced walk can…


How can I avoid wrinkled and sagging skin …or at least tighten it up a bit?

A favorite quote of mine is, “With age comes wisdom.” I also have a least favorite quote, one that is not as popular as the previous and not nearly as positive…

Food and Recipes

Can eating more chocolate help you win a Nobel Prize?

Chocolate lovers, you don’t need to feel guilty about consuming a few ounces of this decadent treat anymore! I actually suggest that enjoy a piece of chocolate…


Can baseball increase the length of your life? It did for many women of the AAGPBL

Like the majority of you out there, I’m a Detroit Tigers fan. I’m enjoying the playoff showdowns big time! Most will agree that it is impossible to watch any of…

Food and Recipes

Nothing says autumn like a bowl of hot chili!

Nothing says autumn like a bowl of hot chili! No matter whether it’s made using chicken, ground turkey, beef or tofu, chili has a way of warming up the soul.


The hurtful attack on Jennifer Livingston’s weight was just plain mean

“Seriously?” That is the first reaction that I had when I listened to Jennifer Livingston on NBC’s Today Show as I stood motionless in disbelief. Too fat for TV…


How I answer the question “What will you do if you gain all your weight back?”

“What will you do if you gain all your weight back?” That is a question that I’m sure many people who have lost a substantial amount of weight have been asked a…


Let your attitude fall into place this autumn with laughter

What would you think if someone told you that laughter is a great way to boost your heart rate? You might agree with them, recalling that there have been times…


A few weight-loss tips created for this darling dog: Obie the overweight Dachshund

If you’ve been following the story of Obie the dachshund, you know this cute little guy has a bit of a weight problem. Okay, it’s more than a bit of a problem.

Home and Family

Beware the negative emotional and physical consequences of being a ‘SuperSized Kid’

Because I was an overweight adolescent myself, I have a complete understanding of many of the consequences of carrying around excess weight.


Attention Baby Boomers: Exercising now can keep you feeling younger longer

If you are between the ages of 40 – 65 and exercise on a regular basis, then I want to congratulate you for adding years to your life and life to your years!


How can I focus on good health and lose weight when I don’t have time?

“I want to lose weight and focus on good health, but it’s just so difficult to do. My life is so busy right now; it’s just easier to do something about it later…


How are you pushing the domino of health in your community?

The domino effect is what happens when one person influences another to make a change, and that change is contagious. I’ve witnessed it myself and realize that…


Ways to give your metabolism a boost and burn more calories per day!

Have you found yourself asking, “How can I boost my metabolism?” The short answer is every person is different. Some people are simply born with a speedy…


Do you know the ABC’s of a healthy lifestyle?

Each one of us arrives at that time in our lives when we truly understand that being in good health is extremely important. This realization can arrive at any…

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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This Web site provides general educational information on health-related issues and provides access to health-related resources for the convenience of our users. This site and its health-related information and resources are not a substitute for professional medical advice or for the care that patients receive from their physicians or other health care providers.
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