#WellnessWeds: Do You Take Advantage of Laugh Therapy?
2 min read
Who doesn’t love a good laugh? Laughing – especially a really good belly laugh – is one of my favorite things to do. I always feel refreshed and even a little taxed – in a good way – after a good laugh.
Laugh for Health
There are many reasons laughter is therapeutic. The New York Times published an article about a study with findings that show why laughter is so good for us. The study found:
- The physical effect of laughing produces endorphins: chemicals in the brain that produce the “feel good” affect
- Laughing increases pain resistance
Laughing also:
- Promotes group bonding
- Helps to relax us
- Is contagious in a social setting
- Brings human groups together
Emotional Well-Being
Laughing and humor help us stay emotionally healthy and has been linked to numerous other health benefits. Some include:
- Strengthens immune system
- Increases energy
- Decreases stress and stress hormones
- Prevents heart disease
- Adds joy and zest to life
- Dissolves distressing emotions (you can’t feel anxious, angry, or sad when laughing)
- Humor shifts perspective (things don’t appear quite as serious with a sense of humor)
- More spontaneous
- Let go of defensiveness
- Express true feelings
All of these benefits – just from laughing. That is so cool and amazing to me. Whatever makes you laugh: a TV show, your husband, wife, or kids, comics – zone in on the subject and take advantage of free laugh therapy!
If you are looking for someone else to make you laugh, check out:
- Comedy clubs in Michigan
- More comedy clubs in Michigan
Also, read one of my previous blogs: 12 Reasons to Make Someone Laugh Today
What made you laugh this week?
Photo credit: Cindy Matthews