Fresh From the Farmers Market: Watermelon, Blueberry and Basil Quinoa Salad
Registered Dietician
| 1 min read
Forget boring quinoa, this recipe is flavorful and rich with key vitamins and nutrients. Even though watermelon is 92 percent water, it is packed with vitamin A and vitamin C, not to mention it has more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable. Blueberries also provide many health benefits, as they are rich in antioxidants, vitamin K and vitamin C. Both watermelon and blueberries contain vitamin B-6, which is important for cardiovascular, digestive, immune, muscular, and nervous system function. Basically what I am trying to say is, this recipe has super-awesome benefits for your health and is delicious!
You can find watermelon, blueberries and basil at your local farmers market throughout the summer. In Michigan, blueberries are ready to harvest from mid-July to the end of August, watermelons are ready to harvest from August to October and basil blooms naturally midsummer.
This recipe was featured on WZZM, as part of their Fulton Street Farmer’s Market series.
Photo credit: Alyssa Hadrych, A Healthier Michigan, Jeff Potter via Flickr