It’s Never Too Late to Take Control of Your Health
3 min read

“I believe that it is never too late to get healthy and change your life for the better.”
This direct quote came from one of my best friends, Terri, from high school, who participated in a
past Detroit Free Press Marathon and was interviewed by the newspaper after the race was
complete and gave the quotation above.
past Detroit Free Press Marathon and was interviewed by the newspaper after the race was
complete and gave the quotation above.
I am so proud of her and her determination. When she first informed me of her decision to join the marathon, I wasn’t surprised at all; she’s always strived to be a positive role model for her four children. Her husband and kids were extremely proud to know that she finished the 26.2 miles in less than five hours—how awesome is that?
I like the fact that we are the same age (well, okay… I’m three months older) and that our goals are the same: to be healthy for ourselves, our family, and to focus on changing our lives for the better. “It’s never too late to get healthy…” I love Terri’s words! Through the years I have heard many people claim that they are too old to change their bad eating habits or to start an exercise regimen.
Oh really? Too old, huh?
Exactly what age is too old, anyways? I don’t believe anyone is ever too old to become healthier. That just doesn’t make any sense to me.
We all have just one life, one body, one heart—and the future care of each is our responsibility.
We should take care of ourselves no matter what our age. I’m not going to wait until a specific birthday arrives and then tell myself, “OK, Jodi, now you can let your health fail. I think I’m going to begin eating unhealthy foods, end my daily walking routine and become inactive.” I’m telling you right now that those words will never be said by me! I want to live for a long time, and honestly, eating healthy food and walking daily makes me feel wonderful. Why would I want to give that up?
I can look at my past and remember that there was a time when I didn’t exercise and I consumed all
the wrong foods. I probably would have read this blog and thought to myself, “I’ve been overweight all my life and probably will be until the day I die. I’ll never be considered healthy. Really, look at me: I’m morbidly obese, and there’s no hope.”
the wrong foods. I probably would have read this blog and thought to myself, “I’ve been overweight all my life and probably will be until the day I die. I’ll never be considered healthy. Really, look at me: I’m morbidly obese, and there’s no hope.”
And if I hadn’t changed my thinking, I’d still be there—or worse, not here at all.
I believed that I could change. No, it wasn’t too late and I wasn’t too old.
I’m not asking anyone to participate in a 26-mile marathon. I’m not ready for that myself. But I am
asking you to remind yourself that it is never too late.
asking you to remind yourself that it is never too late.
Take time to re-read Terri’s statement. She believes it, I believe it and I hope you do, too. Today is
that “someday” that you’ve been waiting for to start focusing on your health. Don’t put it off any longer.
that “someday” that you’ve been waiting for to start focusing on your health. Don’t put it off any longer.
You want to look back someday and be grateful that you took care of yourself instead of thinking, “I wish I would have.”
Too late? Never! Now get going!
Photo credit: Stuart Grout