Health Benefits of Jumping on a Trampoline 

3 min read

Senior woman with overweight jumping on trampoline
A lot of us might have great memories of jumping on a trampoline when we were kids – the leaps, bounds and even somersault attempts were something that we did just for fun. We held hands with friends and jumped in sync, or we just laid in the middle of the trampoline and watched the clouds overhead. But there are actually several health benefits linked to using a trampoline-even into adulthood. This includes the big trampolines set up outdoors as well as the mini-tramps that can be used inside or outside.
Rebounding on trampolines. When people use a mini-trampoline, there’s a lot more going on than just jumping up and down. Rebounding is the name of the cardio exercise done on these tiny tramps. It could be fast jumps, slow jumps or weighted aerobic routines. The health perks associated with rebounding are numerous, according to research compiled by Healthline. These benefits include:
  • Better balance
  • Improved coordination
  • Higher endurance level
  • Strengthens muscles in abdomen, back and legs
  • Improves heart health
  • Improves circulation
  • Decreases stress
Why rebounding helps the lymphatic system. The body’s lymph nodes and lymphatic system are all part of the larger immune system. Part of the lymphatic system’s job is to remove cellular waste from the body. But if a person gets sick, has an infection or something that blocks regular drainage of lymph nodes, waste products can build up. This can have a negative impact on the body. Cardio exercises like rebounding can help stimulate the lymphatic system. This could help the body flush out waste products like toxins, dead cells and bacteria.
Rebounding exercises to target the lymph nodes. Want to do specific rebounding routines that could help stimulate drainage of the lymphatic system? Livestrong has these recommendations:
  • Bend your knees as you jump up. When you land, keep your knees bent
  • March in place, keeping your knees high. Increase the intensity to a marching bounce
  • Try light bouncing for 10 to 15 minutes at a time
Rebounding for healthier bones. Why does jumping on a trampoline lead to better bones? It’s all in the bounce. When people jump up and down, this puts low-impact pressure on the bones. These little movements make the bones stronger. Over time, this repeated small-dose pressure leads to increased bone density. This can be especially important for people with osteoporosis who can use rebounding to improve their health.
Rebounding is one way to exercise and should be part of a broad exercise program, doctors advise. This form of exercise may be not be for everyone , especially children and teens, because of the potential of musculoskeletal and orthopedic injuries often related to falling off trampolines.
Photo credit: Getty Images

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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