3 Ideas to Think Outside the Picnic Basket

Shanthi Appelo
Shanthi Appelo

| 1 min read

In 2022, canned vegetable company Libby’s Vegetables held a Great American Picnic survey to find out which plate is most commonly seen at picnics in the U.S. Potato salad and sub sandwiches placed in the top two, with deviled eggs, pasta salad and fruit salad filling out the top-five spots. If you’re looking to refresh your picnic basket ideas, try one of these fresh recipes:
Though traditional fried spring rolls in a sweet and sour sauce serve up a delicious treat, these fresh and nutrient-packed Vietnamese spring rolls are perfect for a healthy appetizer or part of a meal. Paired with a creamy peanut sauce, ingredients like soy sauce and ginger bring complexity to the dish. The rice paper serves as a low-calorie vehicle for fresh veggies and protein-rich shrimp.
This corn salsa is packed in veggies like creamy avocado and colorful Roma tomatoes and bell peppers. Easy to make, this recipe comes together in under 15 minutes. Simply add all ingredients to a bowl, toss with an Italian vinaigrette and get to dipping.
Watermelon tastes great on a hot day - it’s crunchy and thirst-quenching. These watermelon fries are served with a lime protein-packed yogurt sauce.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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