Homemade Vanilla-Coconut Ice Cream (in a Bag!)

1 min read

Homemade Ice Cream
Summer and ice cream go hand-in-hand. But did you know you could whip up a fresh batch of ice cream at home, without any fancy gadgets or appliances? All you need is a few ingredients and plastic bags.
This recipe-part dessert, part science project, is so easy and a perfect hands-on activity for kids. You simply put ice and salt in a large freezer bag, and fill a smaller sandwich bag with all of the ice cream ingredients. Then shake!
We’ve made ours dairy-free by using coconut milk, but you could use regular milk or for something more decadent, heavy cream. You can also customize your ice cream by adding flavored syrups, fruit, or crushed cookies.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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