How Yoga Breathing Can Reduce Your Stress Level

2 min read

A multi-ethnic group of young adults are taking a yoga class together at the gym. They are meditating with their eyes closed and focusing on their breathing.
Stress is a usual part of the day, but incorporating exercise into your schedule can help reduce unnecessary tension.
Yoga is a great way to lower stress, as each movement focuses on breath. There are several techniques that will allow you to have better breath control, which can calm the nervous system, improve focus, and increase your energy.
Pranayama Breathing
  1. Begin by lying flat on your back, knees up and feet flat on the floor shoulder width apart. Place your hands on your abdomen.
  1. Start to become aware of your breath, spending the same amount of time on the inhale as the exhale.
  1. Once you have gone through cycles of breathing evenly, lengthen the time of your exhale by 1-3 seconds. You can continue to lengthen it to what feels right for you as long as your breath is still smooth.
  1. Repeat for three to five minutes.
Sitali Breathing
  1. Begin by sitting in a comfortable, seated position with a straight spine.
  1. Curl your tongue upwards like a taco allowing your tongue to stick out past your lips.
  1. Inhale deeply through your mouth, feeling your breath flow through the roof your mouth.
  1. Exhale through your nose.
  1. Repeat for three to five minutes.
Taking five minutes of your day to focus on yourself can have a positive impact on your health and daily routines.
For more yoga content, check these out:
Photo credit: FatCamera

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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