‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind’ No More: It’s Time to Face Facts About Being Overweight

3 min read

Have you ever found yourself consciously avoiding an issue because you’re hoping to avoid confronting the problem altogether? Due to the worry and stress, it’s easier to avoid the issue than it is to simply face it. But deep down in the back of our minds, we know that we’ll eventually have to deal with this particular concern. Yet it’s so much easier to not have to look at it or think about it — in other words, “out of sight, out of mind.”
This method of thinking is a passageway towards denial. If you keep the problem out of your sight and mind, then it’s much easier to deny that the problem exists. For example, when I was morbidly obese I made sure to keep every full-length mirror at a distance, fearing that I’d see a woman in an extreme situation. If I didn’t see my reflection in the mirror, then I found it easier to avoid and deny my weight issues. This worked great with the bathroom scale as well. Don’t own one and you won’t have to admit that you’re overweight — that much, anyways.
I used both of those denial tactics daily. I knew that if I didn’t, I would have constant mental reminders of my obesity and possible future health problems. My mind wouldn’t allow it.

Reality Trumps Denial

You see, several years ago if you had asked me if being morbidly obese causes any health issues, I would have answered “No. The media just tries to scare us into purchasing items from their sponsors.” But once I attended the funeral of my friend Shirley, who passed away in her early 40s from heart-related issues caused by obesity, my views changed.
No longer was I able to keep my weight out of sight, out of mind. I looked at myself. I weighed myself. I faced the facts about the issues that I was trying to avoid for years. They are still in my mind today. Allow me to share a few of them:
  1. Simply put, fat harms your heart. The heart has to work overtime to support extra weight. Obesity has a harmful effect on not only your heart, but your entire cardiovascular system.
  1. Fat can trigger Type 2 diabetes. Excess weight affects your body’s ability to produce and use insulin efficiently, which can lead to diabetes. Having diabetes also increases your risk for heart disease. It’s a vicious circle.
  1. Overweight individuals often find that they have some form of sleep disorder. One common and dangerous disorder is sleep apnea, which can cause a person to stop breathing during the night. Your blood oxygen level drops, which can affect the heart and blood vessels and increase your risk of stroke and diabetes.
  1. Carrying around excess weight on your lower body may cause issues, including a higher risk for bone-thinning osteoporosis. You may also develop hip and back problems.
  1. Breathing problems are common for those who are overweight.
  1. Just carrying around excess body fat will decrease your energy level.
  1. Extra weight is associated with a higher risk for certain types of cancer.
  1. Being overweight is associated with increased risks of gallbladder disease, incontinence, increased surgical risk, and depression.
  1. Obesity can affect your quality of life through limited mobility, decreased physical endurance and through social, academic and job discrimination.
  1. Being overweight may have a negative effect on your self-esteem.
Don’t do what I did for years and continuously avoid these health issues because you’re hoping to escape them. It’s OK to face your problems; in fact, keep them in sight and in mind… and allow me to do my best to keep you in good health!
Please visit us daily, we’ll get you there!
Photo by quinn.anya

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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