Natural remedies for a sunburn
3 min read

Michigan summers are filled with lots of outdoor adventures like swimming at the beach, hiking along one of the many scenic trails and heading out to the park. But while you’re enjoying the extra dose of Vitamin D, there’s a chance you may catch a few too many rays and end up with a sunburn.
This summer, try some natural sunburn solutions to relieve the pain of a burn without the added chemicals:
Aloe Vera: This soothing plant has a long history of providing sunburn relief due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s as simple as breaking off a leaf of the plant and applying the gel-like juice to the sunburnt area.
Vitamin E: Moisturize and prevent peeling with Vitamin E. These little capsules will hydrate and calm sunburns by bringing moisture to the skin for a speedy recovery.

Vinegar: This all-purpose staple helps balance the body’s pH levels to take away the sting of a burn. Not only does it cool the skin as it evaporates, it’s also a natural antiseptic, which will clear any germs that may have come in contact with your burn.
Ice and Cold Showers: Your instincts were correct if you thought to apply ice or run some cold water over your sunburn. Experts agree a cold shower can help cool the skin. It’s also a great way to remove chlorine and salt, which can both dry out the skin and make sunburns worse.
Milk: There’s nothing like a cold glass of milk! Wiping cold milk onto a sunburn can help relieve the pain, itching and burning associated with a burn.
Honey: This solution might get a little sticky.Since honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, studies have found this ingredient can help heal wounds by healing skin faster and reducing inflammation.

Oatmeal: Ready to soak the pain away? Oatmeal has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that relieve sunburn pain. For larger sunburnt areas, fill up a bath and throw in some chopped up instant oatmeal. Another easy trick for smaller areas is to fill a knee-high stocking with instant oatmeal, run it under water until it’s moist and apply to the burn area for relief.
Lettuce: ‘Lettuce’ help fight the sunburn pain with your favorite leafy greens. Just boil some lettuce leaves in water, strain the leaves and let the liquid cool for several hours in the refrigerator. After the liquid is chilled, dip a cotton ball into the lettuce water and wipe over the burn for relief.
If you want to try out one of these natural remedies, be sure visit one of our Michigan HBX partners to pick up the right supplies near you. And although these are great ways to help treat burns, remember to lather up with sunscreen and protective clothing before heading out in the sun this summer.