Dr. Angela Seabright
Adriane Davis

My goals are to gain strength in my upper body, stick to a workout regimen that makes me feel more energized, and master a diet that helps me be my healthiest self.

3 Natural Remedies for Migraines

2 min read

natural migraine cures
Migraines are a pain. They can hurt so bad that sometimes you consider what life would be like without a head. Like millions of other Americans, I suffer from horrible debilitating, day stopping migraines. I remember getting my first one at age 12 when I had to leave school early because I could barely open my eyes anymore. It was so painful that the only thing I could do was lay down in a cool dark room, in complete silence. Since that day, I have experienced countless migraines that have been much more painful. Now that I’m older, I can now identify some triggers like chocolate, peanuts and stress. I have also found some natural remedies that work for me and can hopefully help someone else who suffers from migraines.
Changing your diet: Many foods affect people differently, especially when it comes to foods that can trigger migraines. The best way to find what foods trigger your migraines is by keeping a food journal. Keeping track of what you eat and jotting down when a migraine occurred can help you avoid those foods in the future.
Essential oils: Lavender oil, peppermint oil and basil oil can all help relieve the pressure that can come migraines. These oils can be used in various ways to help relieve tension, relax muscles, open up sinuses and help the flow of oxygen.
Good posture: Some migraines can come from poor posture because that tension builds up in the neck and it can cause pressure that triggers a migraine. Sitting up straight, routinely getting up to walk and stretching throughout the day can help you avoid having a migraine.
These are just a few ways to avoid and treat migraines. Consult a physician for serious migraines and talk to them about what your triggers are because they may be able to help you manage the pain and avoid future migraines.
How do you deal with migraines? Let us know in the comments below.
Photo credit: Quinn Dombrowski

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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