Keep Your Mind Healthy by Checking Your Attitude and Managing Stress
3 min read

So here I am writing this blog – feeling a little grumpy and overwhelmed, but it is up to me if I want to feel this way the whole day, or if I want to really try to change my attitude.
Maintaining a positive attitude is not easy for all people – especially when difficult life circumstances occur. But, changing your attitude is doable if you practice, because each day can bring some sort of challenge.
Turn That Frown Around
So, in further investigating this topic for my blog, I thought it would be interesting to discuss how supposedly it takes more muscles to frown than to smile since it uses more negative energy; but, this is a myth. Discovery Health states that it takes the same amount of muscles to smile as it does to frown, making this fun fact not entirely accurate.
Smiling versus frowning does play a big role in our mental health. Just think about it, when you are in a good mood and producing positive energy, you more than likely don’t feel tired or worry unnecessarily about things out of your control. When a bad mood arises and negative energy is present, you are probably worrying, won’t smile, and maybe you have some of the physical symptoms like a stomach ache, sweats, or just exhaustion. This can take a toll on our bodies.
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
So what can we do to help control this? Our attitude is our choice and we are the only ones who decide how we are going to act and feel each moment of every day. I am not asking you to be the most upbeat, happy person every second, but I am asking to try to change your mood the next time you are feeling down. Focus on the positives in your life – the things most important to you like family, friends, and other things you are thankful for like having a place to live and transportation that gets you from place to place.
Being down and negative can put our health in danger as well. It affects us physically: higher blood pressure, sleepless nights, chronic stomach and head aches, pains from stress settling in our muscles, and feeling sore. It can also leave us feeling sedentary, which as we all know, is a key factor in our health. Not getting any physical activity not only impedes our physical health but also our mental health. Read Jodi Davis’ insight on Attitude Choices.
Stress? What Stress?
Everybody has stress to some degree, but it is how we handle our stress that makes a difference – like how we act towards other people, including ourselves. If we are kind to others and really look for good qualities in people, we more than likely are going to be kind to ourselves and be a little more positive as well.
It is important to know some stress management skills so we can get a handle on a situation before we get out of control:
- Take 10 deep breaths
- Walk away from the situation until you cool down
- Ask for help with tasks
- Prioritize your time
- Know your limits
- Listen to your favorite music
- Take a walk
Don’t forget about laughing: it reduces stress and has great physical benefits for the body. Check out why Laughter is the Best Medicine.
What are some things you do to boost your mood when you are feeling down or having a bad day?
Photo credit: JD’na