Spicy Avocado Shrimp Sushi Roll

Shanthi Appelo
Shanthi Appelo

| 1 min read

This roll features shrimp, creamy avocado and a hint of spice from sriracha. The green onion sprig adds both a nice crunch and pop of flavor.

Total Time:

30 minutes

Prep Time:

15 minutes

Cooking Difficulty:


Serving Amount
  • 3 Tbsp. rice vinegar

  • 14 tsp. salt

  • 12 tsp. sugar

  • 112 cups sticky rice

  • 4 sheets nori

  • 12 large shrimp, cooked

  • 4 sprigs green onion

  • 1 avocado, sliced

  • 1 English cucumber, cut in long strips, core removed

  • sriracha

  • low-sodium soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger to taste

  • Step 1

    In a microwavable-safe dish, make the rice seasoning. Add rice vinegar, salt and sugar. Microwave for 30 seconds to allow ingredients to dissolve.

  • Step 2

    When rice is still warm, add rice seasoning and fluff to combine.

  • Step 3

    Prepare veggies.

  • Step 4

    Prepare a glass or bowl of ice-cold water for your fingers to prevent sticking.

  • Step 5

    Dip fingers in water, then add ~1/3 cup sticky rice on a nori sheet. Spread on about half of the nori sheet.

  • Step 6

    Line three shrimp, one green onion sprig, avocado slices and a cucumber strip on top of the rice. Squeeze sriracha in a line.

  • Step 7

    Tightly start rolling the nori until there’s about an inch left exposed. Dip your fingers in water and run along the edge of the nori, then finish rolling. This will help the roll seal.

  • Step 8

    Cut the ends off the roll, then cut in half and continue cutting halves (about 8 total pieces).

  • Step 9

    Serve with soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger.

Shanthi Appelö is a registered dietitian and health and wellness spokesperson for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan based in Detroit. For more recipes and health information, visit ahealthiermichigan.org.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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