It’s the time of year when pumpkins and mums fill porch steps. Leaves fall gently in the crisp air and line the sidewalks with red, pink and orange hues. Cooking gets more cozy. Kids dress up in costumes for school and trick-or-treating alike. It’s also when grocery aisles are dedicated to Halloween candy. While it’s okay to enjoy hard-earned candy from trick-or-treating on Halloween, it’s nice to partake in activities to take the focus away from candy. Try a few of these spooky treats using fruit:
Spooky Fruit Kabobs
Cut fruit such as cantaloupe and honeydew into squares and add strawberries. Place on wooden kabobs. Heat \ chips up the microwave 30 seconds at a time, stirring between each session until smooth. Place into a zip bag with a small corner snipped. Pipe spooky faces on the fruit.
Cantaloupe Coffins
Simply half, core and slice the cantaloupe about 1/4 -inch thick. Cut the slices into coffin shapes. Pipe the edge of the coffin shapes with chocolate and write RIP on the front if desired.
Kiwi Brains
Peel and halve kiwis. Melt white chocolate and using a zip bag with a small corner snipped, pipe a brain pattern on top.
Boo Berries
Place edible eyes on blackberries. You can purchase edible eyes from most grocery stores with a baking aisle. Use melted chocolate as glue.
Banana Ghosts
Peel bananas and halve them. Using a knife, slice pieces from the cut portion to mimic the end of a sheet on a ghost. Place each ghost on a skewer if desired. Place mini chocolate chips as eyes and mouth.
Strawberry Mummies
Melt white chocolate and using a zip bag with a small corner snipped, pipe lines across the strawberries. Place edible eyes on top if desired.
Apple Monsters
Cut the sides off an apple, leaving the core squared. On the peel side, cut a slit into the apple slices. Stuff the slit with peanut butter. Place a strawberry slice as a tongue. Use peanut butter as glue and place edible eyes.
Grape Centipedes
Line green grapes on a skewer or long toothpick. Make eyes by piping chocolate. If desired, pipe chocolate along the bottom side of the grapes to mimic legs.
Kiwi Soldiers
Halve a kiwi. Remove only half of the peel, leaving a “hat” for the soldier. Place edible eyes using melted chocolate as glue. Place a pretzel stick on each side of the kiwi body. Pipe melted chocolate for mouths and wounds.
Jack-O'-Lantern Mandarins
Peel a mandarin orange. Place a piece of a green fruit or vegetable on top, such as a cantaloupe or celery, to mimic a stem.