Fresh and Active Summer Date Ideas 

Shandra Martinez

| 3 min read

Low angle view of couple racing down a sand dune while on holiday at the seaside.
In the summer, dates and get-togethers take on a whole new feeling. Hot and sunny afternoons provide a backdrop for fun and warm evenings beckon people outside to make the most of the long sunset and twilight hours. Putting the outdoors at the center of your activity planning opens up so many possibilities. This season is the perfect time to try some fresh and active summer date ideas.
Whether you’re spending time with your sweetheart, your bestie or a group of friends, planning fun things to do that revolve around exercise and fresh air will make everyone feel better. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
Running buddies. There’s no dressing up required for this activity, but you will need a good pair of athletic shoes and maybe a competitive edge. According to a survey by the Outdoor Industry Association, running has remained the most popular outdoor activity in the United States for more than a decade. Turn this easy and affordable workout into a date: Invite someone for a run or plan a group fun run with friends. End it with a cool-down gathering featuring drinks and appetizers either on someone’s deck, backyard space, or your favorite outdoor restaurant area.
Get out on the water. Michigan is home to at least 11,000 inland lakes and more than a dozen large river systems that crisscross the state. Focus your next outing on water activities and you’ll have lots of options. Find a local spot that rents kayaks, canoes or stand up paddleboards (SUPs) by the hour and you’re guaranteed to get a great arm and core workout. Want to go low-key? Rent tubes and float down a nearby river, or pack your own rafts or inflatables and spend a lazy afternoon on the water.
Meet for a beach day. Living in The Great Lakes State means heading to the beach is always an adventure. There are sand dunes to climb, miles of shoreline to walk, and countless state, county and local beaches with trails for hiking, volleyball nets, and plenty of open water for swimming and floating. Bring a frisbee or waterproof ball and move your game into the lake.
Outdoor music. Check your local events listings for outdoor concerts or music events, and build a date around that. You can pack a picnic dinner and bring a blanket to spread out or get fancy with lawn chairs and portable camp table. To add in some exercise, you can take a walk nearby first, then settle in to relax and enjoy the music.
Tips for keeping your outdoor date adventures safe and fun:
  • Dress in layers so you can stay comfortable
  • Make sure someone else knows where you are going, and when you expect to return
  • Make sure your cell phone is fully charged
  • Wear sun protection with an SPF of 30 or higher. Bring sunglasses and a hat
  • Carry water with you and stay hydrated Headed into the woods or a park? Bring insect repellent.
  • If you’re going for an evening adventure, bring a flashlight.
Photo credit: Getty Images

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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