

What Unsafe Gifts Look Like for Different Ages

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), there were more than 200,000 emergency department visits for toy-related injuries in the United States in 2022. Before checking off the holiday shopping list, here are some important safety tips to keep in mind:


What is Sharenting? The Risks and Dangers of Oversharing Online

We all love to document moments with our children that mean a lot to us, but oversharing pictures and information about our kids online carries serious risk. The term for this habit is "sharenting."


The Importance of Modeling Healthy Behaviors for Kids

Healthy childhood eating habits help shape a child’s body image perception, relationship with food and chronic disease risk later in life.


Do Babies and Infants Need Sunglasses?

Putting sunglasses on a baby or infant is sure to be cute – but it’s also an important preventive choice to protect the child from sun damage. Learn when kids start to need sunglasses and how to pick out the right set of sunglasses for a baby or infant.


How to Help Kids Prepare for the First Year of Middle School

The first year of middle school is full of new experiences and challenges. Parents and mentors have an important role in helping kids acclimate and succeed in middle school. Learn some approaches and tips for helping kids prepare for middle school.


Do Kids Need Multivitamins?

Multivitamins may seem like an easy way to ensure kids get the vitamins and minerals they need, but are they necessary? In healthy children, it’s best to get minerals and vitamins through a wide range of healthy foods. 


Safely Preparing for Fall Sports During the Summer

Properly preparing for fall sports during the summer months is essential for the health and safety of young athletes.


Precocious Puberty in Children and How it Impacts the Mental Health of Young Girls 

Early puberty, also called precocious puberty, refers to the premature onset of puberty in children. The stages of puberty include body and hormone changes that allow the body to reproduce. Early onset puberty can have negative effects on the mental health of children.  


4 Tips to Handle Halloween Candy in a Healthy Way 

The average kid is likely going to consume between 3,500 and 7,000 calories from candy on Halloween. This is the equivalent of up to three cups of sugar. -- and can be hard for kids to brush off of their teeth. Here are some tips to navigate the sugar rush of Halloween, and how to keep kids' teeth clean and healthy.


Navigating Conversations with Children About Obesity 

Building healthy habits at home is a great way to teach children and teens behaviors that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.


How Breastfeeding Affects Mental Health

When facing problems with breastfeeding, women may experience feelings of depression or symptoms similar to post traumatic stress syndrome.


6 Signs Your Child Needs Glasses

Children can react to vision problems with signs and symptoms like distractibility and hyperactivity that could be confused with those of ADHD.

Shot of a little girl reading a book at home

5 Fun and Creative Ways to Get Your Kids Involved in Cooking

Want to sharpen your child’s cooking skills early? These easy, creative tips can make for a fun family experience in the kitchen.

A Muslim mom and daughter have fun baking together in their kitchen.

Ways to Reduce Allergens at Home 

Most indoor allergen sources can be combatted by taking certain measures around the house.

Man suffering sinusitis sitting on couch at home having headache

Support Groups for Parents of Children with Autism 

Parents of children who have autism may feel the need for some extra support. Here’s how to find it.

Conference or meeting with elementary school teachers students and parents

Ways We All Can Help Prevent Childhood Obesity 

One of the most common chronic illnesses in children is obesity – affecting more than 14.4 million children in the U.S. today.

Happy Native American siblings riding their bikes to school

A Week of Healthy, Easy School Lunches

Need inspiration for balanced school lunches? These easy options have all the nutrients kids need and some take just a few minutes to make.

A parent chops vegetables for their child's school lunch.

Accessible and Inclusive Playgrounds Around the State 

Accessible and Inclusive Playgrounds Around the State

Playing In The Park With Mum

How Access to Diverse Stories Would Have Helped Me in High School

Monica Drake shares how reading books from diverse perspectives has helped her as an adult — and imagines how they could have helped her when she was younger.

Monica Drake reads at home with her cat.

Best Gifts for Kids & Babies This Year

Dr. Angela Seabright advises on the best toys for children and babies this holiday season to help them grow and learn.

Family opens gifts for children and babies on Christmas morning

Unexpected Side Effects of Having a High Fever

Fevers are a normal immune response to infection, but high fevers can be problematic and can have some unexpected side effects. Here's what you need to know.

Man lying on the couch with a high fever checks a thermometer

New Safe Sleep Guidelines for Infants 

Thousands of babies die in sleep-related circumstances annually. New sleep guidelines are meant to advise parents and caregivers on ways to keep infants safer.

Asian Chinese young father bonding time playing with his baby boy son at living room during weekend

How a ‘Mascot Mindfulness’ Series is Connecting Kids to Healthy Tips   

Mascots for the Detroit Lions and Detroit Pistons are featured in these short segments aimed at helping kids learn about mindfulness and meditation.


Obesity Now Affects Children Earlier in Life

Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the U.S., and it’s impacting children at an earlier age than ever before.

Overweight Brother and Sister Sitting on a Sofa Eating Takeaway Food and Watching the TV

How to Bond with Your Baby Without Breastfeeding  

Breastfeeding is not the only way to connect and reinforce that bond with your baby. Learn about other ways to bond with your baby.

Loving biracial mom hug cute little baby child

What to Expect During an Annual Eye Exam

An eye exam is an important part of an overall health assessment and supports the recognition of more than 270 health conditions. Here's what you can expect.

Senior woman has an annual eye exam

Breastfeeding Basics for New Moms  

There are numerous benefits to breastfeeding an infant for both mom and baby. Here's what new moms should know about breastfeeding basics.

Mom breastfeeds newborn baby

Effects of Staying Up All Night for Adults and Teens 

Skipping sleep in favor of staying up all night can feel fun at first, but it can come with some serious side effects.

Young man using desktop pc at desk in home office

Easy School Lunch Ideas for Kids 

It’s almost back-to-school time. Make sure you’re ready with some fresh and easy school lunch ideas for kids.

Mother Making School Lunch

Anti-Anxiety Back to School Kit

For many kids, social anxiety is a large stressor when going back to school. Combat those uneasy feelings by creating an anti-anxiety back to school kit.

Teenage boy playing with a popper on the couch

Essentials for Pumping and Storing Breastmilk

Pumping and storing breastmilk does take additional supplies and planning – but can help provide infants with many of the same benefits of direct breastfeeding.

Young woman and her baby- sitting at the table with a breast pump

Monica Drake: Check in on Your Child’s Mental Health

Contributor Monica Drake writes about why it's so important to check in your child's mental health — and to get them help if they need it.

Man walks with his teenage son to talk about mental health

9 Places You’re Forgetting to Put Sunscreen 

We cover our arms, legs and face in sunscreen, but stopping there and forgetting these nine places could result in some unsuspecting burns.

We cover our arms, legs and face in sunscreen, but stopping there and forgetting these nine places could result in some unsuspecting burns.

How to Get Mosquitos to Bug Off this Summer

In Michigan, peak mosquito season typically starts in July. But it’s important to know how to protect yourself and your loved ones all year.

Young woman mother applying insect repellent to her two son before forest hike beautiful summer day or evening. Protecting children from biting insects at summer. Active leisure with kids

7 Healthy Lunch Options for Kids

Here are 7 healthy lunch options to incorporate more nutrition into the school day for busy families.

healthy school lunches for kids

When is it Too Hot for Kids to Play Outside?  

Children cannot regulate their body temperature the way adults can, so parents should be proactive this summer when kids play outside.

The National Weather Service (NWS) states that a heat index at or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit poses a significant health risk to children.  

Youth Suicide Rates In LGBTQ+ Community Decrease Since Legalization of Gay Marriage

Contributor Monica Drake shares a personal story from a friend who came out as gay; and how the legalization of gay marriage affected his outlook.

Two men stare at each other lovingly during their wedding ceremony

Cheap or Free Summer Activities for Michigan Families 

If you want to create family memories at every turn this summer without breaking the bank, here are 12 family-friendly activities you can enjoy on the cheap:

The weather is about to heat up and the kids are about to be home from school, so parents may want to start filling up the calendar with fun things to do this summer.   

What Does the Latest USDA School Lunch Nutrition Standards Update Mean for Children’s Health?  

Schools will implement nutrition changes centered around milk, sodium and whole grains in July. What do those changes mean for your child?

School Lunches Get a Healthy Boost from USDA Update

Pinwheel Gardens Symbolize Our Role in Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect

This April, look for gardens of blue pinwheels in communities across Michigan — reminders that we all play a role in preventing child abuse and neglect.

BCN Cascade Grand Rapids - employees stand next to a pinwheel garden in the grass in front of the office for Child Abuse Prevention month

Five Danger Zones in Your House for Pets and Children  

Are you aware of the danger zones in your home? Areas like the laundry room, medicine cabinet and garage can pose serious threats if not properly secured.

Are you aware of the danger zones in your home? Areas like the laundry room, medicine cabinet and garage can pose serious threats to your family if not secured.

Baby Sleep Safety: What Parents Need to Know

It's important for parents and caregivers to take steps to keep their babies as safe as possible. Here are the do's and don'ts of baby sleep safety.

Young woman rests as her baby safely sleeps in her bassinet next to the bed

Is There a Link Between Vaping and Lung Cancer? 

The number of people using e-cigarettes and vaping devices is rising every day. But is there a link between vaping and lung cancer?

Vape teenager. Young pretty caucasian brunette girl smoking an electronic cigarette on the street in the spring. Bad habit.

When Kids Cut: Understanding Self-Harm 

Why do kids harm themselves? In many cases, it's a way to assert control during stressful circumstances. Find out signs to watch for and how to get help.

Mom comforting daughter

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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