Five Foods to Help You Fight Off a Cold

| 2 min read

A bowl of chicken noodle soup.
Don’t be surprised if more employees start calling in sick, because the flu and cold season has hit Michigan with a vengeance. While it’s best for sick employees to stay home, employees are not always heeding that advice.
Coworkers can protect themselves by washing their hands frequently, getting plenty of rest and drinking 8 -10 glasses of water each day.
For added protection, make these foods with proven immune-boosting power part of your regular diet:


Some studies indicate that the probiotics in yogurt may enhance resistance to and recovery from infection. The live active cultures in yogurt keep your stomach and intestines free of disease-causing germs. Look for organic yogurt that contains the beneficial bacteria lactobacillus reuteri, which prevents viruses from replicating.

Brightly colored fruits and veggies

These include citrus fruits, berries, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, red beans and bell peppers. The brighter the better, since these will have higher levels of the immune-boosting antioxidants to battle the free radicals that dampen your natural defenses.

Oats and barley

Beta glucan is found in both oats and barley and can act as an immune system activator and cell response modifier.


They increase the production of cells that help fight off infection and contain polysaccharides, which are compounds that support the immune system. The most potent mushrooms are shitake, maitake and reishi.

Chicken noodle soup

Yes, it really does work! The soup provides the fluids needed to help fight off viruses and keeps mucus thin, which can clear nasal congestion and reduce coughing. Plus, it has a mild anti-inflammatory effect than can help ease cold symptoms. Adding garlic will further repel colds as well as those pesky vampires.
Photo credit: Getty Images

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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