The amazing benefits of learning a new language
| 2 min read
It’s been proven that speaking multiple languages growing up can have an impact on your life that goes way beyond being able to order food in foreign countries. For instance, those who speak two languages every day throughout their lives can delay the onset of dementia by up to four years.
Didn’t grow up speaking a second language? Don’t worry, there’s still time to learn and there are still benefits to becoming bilingual later in life. In fact, it’s recently been proven in the Annals of Neurology that learning a second language in adulthood has a positive effect on later-life cognition. Those who were bilingual excelled over those who only spoke one language, especially in reading and overall intellect.
This recent finding is important because it shows that the mental benefits of learning a language can also take place during adulthood. And in addition to making you smarter and delaying dementia, speaking a second language provides the following mental boosts:
Decisiveness: Because each language has its own rules that are often very black and white, bilingual brains are more likely to be straightforward when making decisions.
Stronger ability to multi-task: By training your brain to switch between two languages, you become skilled in juggling multiple concepts at once.
Enhanced memory: While taking on two languages, you’re sure to work out your memory more than usual. By flexing that muscle, you’re more likely to more easily recall other things like directions, names and what was on that grocery list you left at home.
Looking to enhance your cognitive thinking and keep your brain and senses alert? Find a class in the Detroit area, Ann Arbor or your town by looking up language schools on Yelp. Or learn on your own with systems like Rosetta Stone.
Photo credit: Morgan