Creative Ways to Thank the Father Figure in Your Life

Caroline Samuelsen

| 2 min read

Every year it can be a challenge to come up with something new and exciting to celebrate the father figure in your life. What to do for aman who has done so much for you? We’re here to help you come up with ideas to honor the father figure in your life.

Why Father’s Day can be difficult to celebrate

Many people have challenging relationships with the father figures in their lives or could have lost the father figures in their lives. This time can be difficult for people. It can also be hard to try to celebrate a father figure in a way that compares to everything they do.

How to celebrate father figures in creative and fun ways for Father’s Day

1. Make him his favorite meal

If you know his favorite meal, this could be the perfect surprise for him. My grandfather has many favorite foods but most of them are small appetizers. We are putting together a charcuterie board of all of his favorite small appetizers as a surprise. 

2. Write a heartfelt letter

A physical handwritten letter is something that is rare these days, but having a physical letter is something many appreciate. A storebought or homemade card is something the father figure in your life can keep with him for a long time. He can keep it at his desk at work, in his wallet, or in his bedroom and think of you whenever he sees it.

3. Ask him to tell you stories from his past

The father figure in your life will love the opportunity to share with you his past or some of the things that make him who he is. Get the whole family involved, he will feel special with an audience that he can tell stories to.

4. Make a surprise trip or outing

Maybe he isn’t expecting you to come home for Father’s Day, but a surprise is fun to plan and execute. You could take him on a surprise outing to his favorite lunch spot or walking trail.

5. Play a game with him

Chances are, you haven’t pulled out the board games that you used when you were kids or played that card game that he loves. Bringing the energy of childhood is a great idea for him to reminisce and a way for him to feel celebrated. From Monopoly, Sorry, gin rummy, or a Michigan favorite Euchre, there are many games to choose from. Get creative and play your favorite family game.

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