Are You an Expectant Parent? Add These Things to Your “Pre-Baby To-Do List”

3 min read

To all of you expectant moms and dads out there, it may be time to start thinking about what needs to be done before baby arrives. I know my gears sure are grinding and it seems like I have 100 to-do lists.
It always helps me to write things down so I won’t forget an important item. So get your notebook out and look over the lists below, and add anything you might be missing.

Work it Baby

Since this is my second baby I am pretty familiar with what I should do to prepare before it is born, and what I need totake to the hospital on the day of.
Like most other expectant parents we are in the process of getting a bedroom ready for this baby. Needless to say, it is a project within itself. On top of that, there are all the “little” details that I need to be sure get done before this baby is born. Here are some of the more important things that are on my ever growing list:
  • Choose a pediatrician and register the baby at that practice
  • Fill out FMLA/Maternity papers
  • Have the baby seat installed properly
  • Secure a daycare
  • If you have other children, make arrangements for them while you are in the hospital
  • Fill out pre-registration papers for the hospital
  • If you decide to bank the core blood, choose the vendor that is appropriate for you
  • Tour the hospital the baby will be born at if this is your first baby
  • Choose an appropriate parenting class (new or refresher)
  • Consider signing up other children for a sibling class
  • Test fire and carbon monoxide alarms, change batteries if necessary
  • Prepare and freeze at least one week worth of meals ahead of time
  • Buy in bulk so you won’t have to run out any time soon after the baby is born
  • Have a month worth of diapers and wipes ready
  • Sterilize binkies and bottle nipples

It’s In the Bag

Besides the obvious items to pack for the hospital like toiletries, pajamas and slippers (you too dads), here are some other items that you may want to consider packing:
  • Birthing plan
  • Medication/vitamins
  • Baby outfit(s)
  • Receiving blankets
  • Boppy Pillow
  • Breast pump
  • Nursing pads
  • Breastfeeding bra
  • Big sibling(s) present from baby
  • Cell phone and charger
  • Camera/Video recorder and chargers/batteries
  • Baby book for foot print
  • Warm baby seat cover if the baby is going to be born in colder months
  • Core blood banking kit (if you decide to have this done)
  • Going home outfit for mom
  • Diaper bag (to put extras in you will get from hospital)
I am trying not to get too overwhelmed with all that needs to be done before the birth of my son in October. These lists help and having an awesome husband and family is a God send. I am going to enjoy the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy by crossing things off my to-do list, asking for help and getting a lot of rest!
What was one favorite items that you packed for your trip to the hospital? What is something you wish you would have thought to pack?
Photo credit: HaoJan

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