Food, nutrition, recipes and more for healthy living.

Don’t Toss That Almost Empty Peanut Butter Jar, Try These Recipes

1 min read

If you love peanut butter and are looking for healthy, delicious recipes, then you will be happy to hear there are new ways to make the most of your peanut butter jar. Before you recycle an empty jar of peanut butter, consider using it to create these delicious recipes.
Overnight oats are a super easy, no-cook way to enjoy oatmeal. You add all your ingredients to the jar, leave it in the fridge overnight and your breakfast will be ready to go the next morning. The fiber in the oats and protein in the peanut butter will leave you feeling fuller for longer, even if you are eating fewer calories compared to other breakfasts.
The next recipe makes for a great dinner recipe. This tasty peanut sauce can be made using an empty peanut butter jar, allowing you to use what’s left in the jar rather than wasting it. It’s simple and quick—all you have to do is add a few ingredients to the peanut butter jar and shake it up. The sauce can be used for several recipes. Pour it over an Asian salad or top rice noodles like in this recipe. This recipe is also heart-healthy, as it is lower in sodium and feels much more guilt-free than take-out.
Photo Credit: Mike Miller, A Healthier Michigan

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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