Food, nutrition, recipes and more for healthy living.

Baked Falafel

1 min read

Baked falafel on a plate with dip
Baking this falafel recipe turns a not-so-healthy recipe in to a nutritious take on the traditional mediterranean dish. Falafel is a great source of protein with only a few ingredients to create this yummy recipe.
Falafel gives you the filling taste of a burger or meatball without the energy spike and fall. The high fiber content allows for slow, consistent digestion, while the chickpeas give the body a boost of iron.
You can make this dish in a large batch to keep leftovers in the fridge whenever you need a quick meal. A great pairing to this mediterranean favorite that you should try is a healthy tzatziki feta dip. This dip has all the delicious flavor as the tzatziki dip you are familiar with and is great to scoop with vegetables. Everyone will love it.
Photo Credit: A Healthier Michigan

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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