I find balance through exercise, playing music and expanding my extensive comic book collection. Just trying to be the best father and me I can be.
#HealthyMe: My first 5K
2 min read

I ran my first 5K last weekend: the BCBSM RifverFront Run/Walk. All in all, I think it was a success.
When the prospect of the 5K came up, I jumped at the chance. I figured it would be a good way to test my mettle on pavement, while supporting my employer and my team’s efforts at work.
I also figured that since it was a 5K (only 3.1 miles) I’d have little trouble. I was sort of right and painfully wrong.
As I’ve said in the past, I’m not what one would call a workout “enthusiast,” though I do enjoy my workouts, and I certainly wouldn’t consider myself a real runner. I run on a machine in the comfort of my AC cooled home and rarely hit the pavement. I had planned on getting outside for a couple of runs, but well, life got in the way.
My wind was good. I had no trouble running the race and I came in at a good time, of just over 35 minutes. At least, I think that’s what it was; I didn’t even look.
However, I didn’t anticipate the toll that the pavement would take on my knees. To say I was sore, is a bit of an understatement. It’s been almost a week now and I can finally go up and down the stairs without wincing in pain. Lesson learned.
Truthfully, my favorite part of the whole experience was being outside with my family and friends on a beautiful morning. My co-workers and my friends, were smiling and supporting one another as we each crossed the finish line. My wife ran with our daughter in the stroller, and we took her on her first carousel rides on the plaza.
That’s motivation enough right there. That’s my #HealthyMe.
Photo credit: A Healthier Michigan
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