Senior Day at the Detroit Zoo Returns on April 24th

2 min read

Senior day at the Detroit zoo
There’s just something about visiting a zoo that makes everyone feel like a kid again. To encourage people of all ages to unleash their inner child, the Detroit Zoo is hosting Senior Day on April 24th. On that day from 10:00am to 3:00pm, anyone aged 62 or older who lives in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties get free admission and parking (caregivers get free admission too!). Your day at the zoo will be filled with more than your typical visit: Senior Day features tram tours, live music, bingo and special talks by zookeepers.
Situated on 125 acres of land the Detroit Zoo is an incredible place to visit featuring naturalistic habits that let you see animals up-close as they engage in their daily activities. With several unique exhibits, such as the Arctic Ring of Life and Australian Outback Adventure, you will have the opportunity to be transported to far-off corners of the world during your visit.
As you wander around the zoo, you’ll see amphibians, birds, invertebrates and mammals. And if you’re brave enough to come face-to-face with a king cobra snake, make sure you visit the Holden Reptile Conservation center. There you can see 70 different species of reptiles and watch them slither or crawl behind their large glass enclosures.
For those who are into cuddlier animals, the Detroit Zoo has a family of red pandas. The near-extinct mammal has received a lot of public attention recently and Senior Day is the perfect opportunity to learn more about these rare, bushy-tailed mammals. Even if you’ve been to the zoo before, there are new exhibits to see. In 2014, the zoo broke ground on a new penguin conservation center and in 2015, the Cotton Family Wolf Wilderness exhibit opened.
For more information on Senior Day, call (248) 541-5717 or visit the Detroit Zoo’s website. And for other fun destinations in Michigan and ways to stay active, check out these blogs:
Photo credit: Scott Calleja

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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