A storyteller and editor by trade, I love creating and sharing helpful, informative content. I'm happily married and have two smart, funny daughters. Impromptu dance parties and glitter are an everyday reality. Running and reading are my go-to stress relievers and I really want to like yoga someday.
A Look Back at the AHM Team’s 2014!
2 min read

This year, the A Healthier Michigan team got to do some pretty amazing things. We took on challenges, tried new activities and did our best to find unique ways for you to stay healthy. In case you missed anything, here were some of our favorites from 2014:
- Mike, Adriane and Helen road tripped to Michigan’s Upper peninsula.
- Brandon biked in Slow Roll Detroit.
- Adriane stepped up her running game.
- Brian and Kyle participated in Weigh in Wednesdays.
- Graves took his pup, Uli, to the Detroit Dog Park.
- Carly made healthy sushi.
- The team went rock-wall climbing.
- Julie Zumba-ed for the first time.
- Brandon, Taylar and Helen climbed around The Adventure Park.
- Brian participated in National Running Day.
- Mike addressed his vision health and got new glasses.
- Taylar worked out with her fellow BCBSM co-workers.
- Carly upped her protein intake by adding more beans to her diet.
- Kyle and Brian ran the Tough Mudder.
- Julie started playing pickleball.
- Taylar got hooked on paddle boarding.
- Kyle checked out Sandbox Aerobics at Campus Martius.
- Angela changed up her workout regimen and started using free weights.
- Brandon tried Geo caching for the first time.
Like our adventures? Here’s what you can look forward to in 2015:
- New, time-lapsed goals featuring regular check-ins from our team
- Overhead video footage from our new drone camera
- Our perspective on Michigan’s newest attractions, restaurants and locales
- Podcasts with Michiganders, healthcare pros, fitness gurus and more
- More #MIKidsCan initiatives such as a dance contest, family activity ideas and kid-focused web game(s)
- Better ways to help you accomplish your #HealthyMe goals
- Member takeovers and spotlights on our social channels
Photo credit: A Healthier Michigan
What else would you like to see us do next year? Share your ideas in the comments!