Nutrition and Exercise
Choosing the Right Reusable Water Bottle for You
Filling a reusable bottle is a cheaper and healthier option than using plastic, disposable water bottles. With so many options in the market, you might be overwhelmed with where to begin.
What to Eat Before a Run
Proper nutrition is a must especially when running or exercising, not only to keep a healthy diet, but also to get additional nutrients needed when exercising regularly. Here are some tips on foods to eat and foods to avoid leading up to and following a run.
Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Aging
You can’t turn back time, but you can prepare for the future. With proper diet, exercise and rest, one can slow the signs of aging.
How to Test for Common Food Allergies
How do you know if you have a food allergy? Here are some life-changing tips to help you safely navigate your diet.
Kick Off to a Healthy New Year
Eager to reach your health and fitness goals? Start the new year by gaining a fresh perspective on nutrition.