Is Your Child Walking 12,000 Steps A Day?
How much exercise do my children need to stay healthy? And what does exercise look like for a child? Walking 12,000 steps a day is a great way to get started.
How Cold is Too Cold for Kids to Play Outside
Although getting the kids outside is important and still an option in the winter, the temperature and wind-chill require caution.
Sledding Hill Safety Tips
The thrill of whooshing down a sledding hill is fun for all ages. But sledding comes with risks, too.
Common Athletic Injuries and How to Avoid Them
Don't get sidelined by an injury. Here's how to build strength and prevent injuries in the first place.
Snack Swaps: Help Kids Eat Healthy All Summer
Lack of structure in the summer can lead to mindless snacking. Try these swaps to help kids eat right this summer.
Adults aren’t the only ones who get stressed out
It’s tempting to romanticize childhood as a time where the biggest concerns are who to sit with in the cafeteria, what your summer plans are, and what to spend your allowance on. Reality during childhood can often be a lot different than the ideal.
Recognizing and Managing Learning Disabilities in Students
Hear from Dr. Amy McKenzie on how to recognize and cope with students who are struggling with a learning disability.
Mindful Parenting: Celebrating Inchstones
We're used to celebrating our children's big milestone moments. But it can be valuable for both the parent and the child to celebrate the smaller triumphs, too.
Signs of Feeding and Eating Disorders in Children
Feeding and eating disorders are considered mental health disorders and medical illnesses. Understanding the types, signs and symptoms is important, regardless of an individual’s age and gender.
Leading Causes of Cavities in Children
Limiting certain foods and teaching dental hygiene habits at a young age can lead to a lifetime of healthy behaviors while preventing cavities in the process.
Michigan Bucket List: Biggest Sledding Hills in Michigan
If you love sledding, you’re in the right place. Here’s our list of favorite sledding hills across Michigan.
How to Help Your Child Make Healthy Eating Choices at School
How can you help kids make healthy choices when they buy lunch? It’s important to educate children on nutrition and how to make healthy decisions on their own.
Winter Break Activities in West Michigan
Step into a warm-water splash zone, join a museum mini camp, or skate away through a lighted forest trail. Winter Break activities are all about adventure.
4 Tips to Handle Halloween Candy in a Healthy Way
The average kid is likely going to consume between 3,500 and 7,000 calories from candy on Halloween. This is the equivalent of up to three cups of sugar. -- and can be hard for kids to brush off of their teeth. Here are some tips to navigate the sugar rush of Halloween, and how to keep kids' teeth clean and healthy.
Brain Foods for Studying and Exams
The brain is a highly active organ that requires a healthy supply of energy and micronutrients to function at its best.
What is Malnutrition?
Malnutrition doesn’t just mean undernutrition, when you’re not eating enough nutrient-rich food. It can also mean overnutrition.
Healthy Out-of-the-lunch-box Ideas for Kids
Different food groups provide vital nutrients to fuel a child’s day. Here’s how to get at least three of the five groups into your child’s lunch.
5 Fun and Creative Ways to Get Your Kids Involved in Cooking
Want to sharpen your child’s cooking skills early? These easy, creative tips can make for a fun family experience in the kitchen.
Is It Healthier Than a Cookie? Granola Bars Carry Hidden Sugars
Is reaching for a granola bar a healthier choice than a couple cookies? Here’s how reading a label can help.
Shark Week-friendly TV Snacks
Enhance your Shark Week viewing routine with these nutritious themed snacks.
How to Keep Kids Healthy During Summer Sports Practice
Summertime can be a busy season for kids and sports. Here’s a few tips to keep active kids healthy.
A Week of Healthy, Easy School Lunches
Need inspiration for balanced school lunches? These easy options have all the nutrients kids need and some take just a few minutes to make.
5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Preschooler Healthy
Keeping your preschooler healthy can be difficult. Check out these simple reminders to help strengthen their immune system and teach healthy habits.
A Parent’s Guide to Dietary Discussions
Knowing how to talk to a child about their health is key to empowering them to make smart choices. Here are tips on how to start a dialogue.
Fight Childhood Obesity with Go, Glow and Grow Foods
The typical American diet favors convenience foods over health. The “go, glow and grow foods” concept can help kids make healthier choices.
Healthy Halloween Snacks to Make with Your Kids
Want to take some of your kids’ focus off of candy? Try these fun Halloween-themed snacks, all built around fruit.
How a ‘Mascot Mindfulness’ Series is Connecting Kids to Healthy Tips
Mascots for the Detroit Lions and Detroit Pistons are featured in these short segments aimed at helping kids learn about mindfulness and meditation.
Helping Children Get Acquainted with a New School
A new school can be a hard transition for children, tweens and teens to navigate. Read up on ways to help your child build confidence this school year.
7 Healthy Lunch Options for Kids
Here are 7 healthy lunch options to incorporate more nutrition into the school day for busy families.
Strawberry Picking in Michigan: Why You Should Go & Tips For When You Do
Fresh Michigan strawberries are a wonderful summer treat, especially when you pick them yourself!
Back-to-School: Backpack Health
As kids bring more and more home in their backpacks, make sure their backs stay healthy and strong by following these guidelines.
How to Get Kids Excited About Brushing their Teeth
There are plenty of ways to make kids look forward to brushing their teeth and even start to see it as fun! Here are a few techniques to get you there.
Slow Cooker Butter Chicken with Veggies
Let your kids help with prepping this yummy butter chicken recipe. When they have some control over the veggies you use, they might be more willing to try them.
How to Prepare Kids for a Different Kind of Holiday
Holidays will be different for many families this year. Helping children understand why and picking new ways to make them festive will make the difference.
How to Work STEM/STEAM Lessons in at Home Using Household Items
You can encourage your children to do STEM/STEAM projects with things already in your kitchen, pantry and bathroom cupboards.
5 Healthy Desserts Your Kids Will Actually Love
A sweet or savory treat can be healthy with the right recipe. Check out a few of our favorite lighter-but-still-delicious treats.
Alternative Ways to Celebrate Halloween at Home
Health officials recommend we don’t trick-or-treat in the traditional way, but there are some safer alternatives.
Helping Kids Understand Portion Sizes
Teach your child proper portion sizes with these fun tips and recipes!
Cooking with Kids: Apple, Turkey and Cheese Pockets
Get children in the kitchen with this easy recipe. Young kids ages four to six can make this on their own for a quick bite to eat.
Childhood Obesity Awareness Month: Keep Your Kids Healthy This School Year
Childhood Obesity Awareness Month falls within back-to-school season. Here’s how Michigan parents can keep their kids healthy and active all year long.
Coping Tips for Starting School with Uncertainty
Back-to-school is very different this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you're struggling with the uncertainty, these coping tips might help.
Protect Our National Parks
As the National Parks System celebrates it’s centennial, it’s important for visitors to know a few rules when visiting them.
Three Ways to Keep Kids Active Into Their Teens
Follow these tips to keep kids active in the age of technology.
Celebrate Kids Eat Right Month
August is Kids Eat Right Month, founded by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to emphasize ways to help kids eat right and be more active.
Fun Ways to Boost Summer Learning
Make summer schooling fun with these tips to help your child continue their education on vacation.
A Guide to Summer’s Poisonous Plants
A guide to help identify poisonous plants around Michigan and what to do if you or a family member has been affected.
In Praise of #GirlDads and Empowering Father Figures
A salute to all the dads and father figures raising strong, confident girls.
4 Bike Safety Tips to Keep Kids Safe
Follow these four simple tips to keep your little ones safe this bike riding season.