Stephanie Shenouda
Step away from your desk to preserve your health, after you read this post of course!
An avalanche of e-mails, meetings, and projects doesn’t just mean another day at the office, but that you’re going to be parked at your desk for a long time…
Keep your cool this summer by ice skating
Summertime has finally come to Michigan, which means as the temperature rises your motivation to work out can slide due to the heat. One way to beat the heat is…
Are you willing to pay the health price for those heels?
Anyone who knows me (or has seen me around the office) knows of my great love in life: shoes. Though each pair is different and they run the gamut in color…
National Ketchup Day; Celebrating a quintessential American condiment
Whether it’s being spread on a hotdog, splattered over a plate of French fries or spooned onto your mom’s homemade meatloaf, ketchup has become such a staple of…