Got goals? Our new website will help you reach them!

| 2 min read

Here at A Healthier Michigan, we feel like we are part of something big. We’re part of a movement where Michigan residents are caring more and more about their health, finding new ways to get in shape and adding healthier foods to their diet. And the movement is gaining momentum: New gyms keep opening across the state like Planet Fitness, Experience Group Fitness, and LA Fitness and farmers’ markets have grown from 90 in 2001 to more than 300 today.
It’s undeniable that Michigan residents care more and more about embracing healthy habits. And that’s where our new website, HealthyMe, comes in. HealthyMe is a portal you can access any time that will have fresh advice tailored specifically to your interests. Love running? Go there to learn about new races or get tips on how to speed up your time. Interested in cooking more? Find nutritious recipes and learn new techniques. Whether you’re trying to cut back on cigarettes, eager to prevent larger health issues down the road or just need some new tips to handle stress—this site will customize your content so you only see what you’re interested in.
On top of that, HealthyMe is a place you can write out goals, keep track of your progress, and get inspired to come up with new ones. Just come up with a few to start (maybe it’s to finish a 5k without walking, write out your family health history or try one new vegetarian recipe a week). As you accomplish each goal, you’ll feel motivated to come up with tougher ones. Stumped on what you should strive for? You can see what other people around Michigan are working towards and steal one of those goals for yourself.
HealthyMe Logo
Ready to get started? Head to or just click on the HealthyMe button at the right of this page.
Photo credit: Jeanette Goodrich

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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This Web site provides general educational information on health-related issues and provides access to health-related resources for the convenience of our users. This site and its health-related information and resources are not a substitute for professional medical advice or for the care that patients receive from their physicians or other health care providers.
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