Find your stride: Walking workouts for everybody
| 1 min read
There are more reasons than ever why you should lace up a pair of sneakers and go on a walk. Half an hour of hoofing it around your neighborhood helps improve your heart health, boost your mood, and reduce the risk for diseases including diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. Not bad for an activity most people master by age two. How to make it even more effective as a workout? Instead of strolling at a nice, even pace, shake it up by working in intervals or adding some strength moves.
In this 45-minute routine from Fitness magazine, you alternate between a moderate and brisk pace, helping you burn more calories than you would if you were keeping the effort low.
Fitness also has a walking workout that includes upper body strength moves (don’t worry, no equipment required!).
Prefer walking on a treadmill? Use the incline to your advantage with this workout from Prevention magazine.
And if you’re ready for something a little more intense, this Women’s Health routine starts off with walking but slowly builds your speed over six weeks until you are running.
Now that you know what to do while walking, discover a gorgeous route near you by finding a state park or checking out Michigan Trail Maps.
Photo credit: Evalia England