Who is your health hero?
| 1 min read
While some people get motivated to live a healthier life by looking at photos of celebrities (who doesn’t want to hit the gym after seeing Jennifer Aniston in a bikini?), most also find inspiration a little closer to home.
Friends, family members, coworkers and neighbors all have the power to make a huge difference in the lives of those around them. Take Linda Fondren, who organized the residents of her town of Vicksburg, Mississippi to get active and eat healthier. The result? Her community dropped 15,000 pounds. Hearing about Fondren’s efforts in Mississippi, we began to wonder what good was being done in our own state. And we thought who better to ask than you!
So tell us: Who has helped you turn over a healthy leaf? Maybe it’s the best friend who started a nutritious-meals-only cooking club, a former colleague who meets you at the gym at 5 a.m., or the woman down the street who started a walking group for everyone in the neighborhood.
Leave a note in the comment section or email us at [email protected] and tell us about your own health hero. Then check back and see who gets picked to be featured on the site!
Photo credit: North Dakota National Guard