Frank was born, raised, and is currently working and living in the city of Detroit. He is a recent graduate of Michigan State University's Communication Arts & Sciences college. He loves Detroit sports and has a strong passion for writing.
Tour of Shinola factory, Detroit
1 min read

On December 11th, 2013 a few member of the Corporate Communications team here at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan were invited to go on a tour of the Shinola factory located at 485 W Milwaukee Street in Detroit.
For those unaware, Shinola was the name of a popular American made brand of shoe polish which was sold from 1907 to 1960. Shinola/Detroit LLC purchased the name and it is now a producer of watches, bicycles, leather goods, and journals.
Brian Ambrozy, Social Media Community Manager at Shinola was nice enough to give us a tour and history of the offices/factory. It is the only mass producing watch factory in North America, and I would highly recommend checking it out if you’re looking to explore the city.
Also, if you are looking to buy Shinola products, the store is located at 441 W Canfield Street, also in Detroit.
A link to their website can be found here.