Jeff Rubleski

Jeff Rubleski serves as Director of Sales Strategy for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and is a certified Healthcare Reform Specialist. Jeff serves as the GlidePath go-to-market lead in implementing this defined contribution solution for active and retired members. Prior to joining Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Jeff served as the Marketing Strategist and Chief Operating Officer for the Wellness Council of America, where he led the development of a complete line of wellness publications that are distributed to employees in organizations throughout the United States and Canada.

Preparing for health reform? Don’t forget the benefits

2 min read

Costs, costs, costs.
That’s practically all you read about concerning health reform. But as businesses ready themselves for the upcoming changes precipitated by the Affordable Care Act regulations, there’s another important matter that warrants attention.
Granted, it’s easy to see why the benefit side of the health insurance equation often overshadows cost concerns. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports show health insurance now accounts for 7.7% of total worker compensation, nearly 45% more than in 1999.
Yet despite these rapidly rising expenses, the Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2012 survey of more than 2,000 large and small employers found 61% of firms offer health benefits to their workers. The reason is simple: These benefits contribute to the health, well-being and prosperity of their companies.
In Michigan, roughly 80% of benefit decision makers believed health benefits are important to employee morale, recruitment and retention. For example, an attractive benefits package also helps small businesses retain their best employees. A Self-Funding article on defined contribution health benefits estimates employers typically must spend the equivalent of 6-9 months in salary each time they have to replace a salaried employee. And that doesn’t include any potential lost revenues from dis-satisfied customers.
Yet perhaps the most under-appreciated benefit of health insurance plans – especially those with some kind of wellness program – is their positive impact on employee productivity. An extensive study by the HR consulting firm Towers Watson found companies with a strong commitment to their employees’ Health & Productivity (H & P) “experienced superior human capital and financial outcomes” and were “more likely to have lower health care costs, lower levels of presenteeism, fewer lost days due to disabilities and lower levels of turnover relative to their industry peers.”
As you rethink your strategies for health insurance, make sure you factor in what their benefits really mean to your company. Here’s a helpful tip from Devon Herrick, a health economist at the National Center for Policy Analysis: Remember to include employees in discussions about insurance coverage, which will help you understand what they value most. These discussions also give your company an opportunity to encourage employees to be more responsible for their health and healthcare spending.
Rising benefit costs is a challenge for all companies. GlidePath, a new solution from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network, offers your mid-size company an innovative way to manage spending and risk. It can transform the way you finance your company’s health insurance coverage. With GlidePath’s defined-contribution solution, you can determine your company’s health benefit budget and simplify the administrative work that goes along with offering health benefits.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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